Page 101 of The Devil is a Dom

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He was good with her.

And it only made me angrier that I had been stuck dealing with Dominik.

“I thought it was done,” Dad said breathlessly, “I thought it was over. I thought we were safe. I-I-I—I never could’ve seen this coming. You have to believe me, Eden. I never would’ve--”

I sighed. “It’s fine.”

“I just can’t believe this is happening. I thought we were done with all of that. We moved to California for a fresh start after all the chaos.”

“Dad, it’s fine,” I said harshly.

“I thought it was over. Claudia, please. I really, honest to God thought it was over.”

“Would you just shut the fuck up!?” I shrieked.

My voice bounced off the walls, stopping people in their tracks. I needed a god damn moment to think. I raked my hands through my hair as I stuffed down the surprising amount of jealousy my body kept kicking through my gut. I slid my hands down my face. I walked out from around Dominik’s desk and made my way toward his office door.

And after twisting the deadbolt closed, I leaned heavily against it with my shoulder.

“Even still,” Mom said, piercing the echoing silence, “we have no idea who those men were at the house, or who they’re connected to.”

Dominik snickered. “It’s pretty obvious that Thaddius is coming at you guys hard.”

“But, why?” Dad asked.

“You mean, outside of the rest of the issues we’ve discussed?” I asked.

Em scoffed. “Too bad no one got a look at those cars.”

“Actually,” Dominik said as he sat down at his desk, “I ended up taking some video footage after driving through the yard back at the house.”

I balked. “And when the fuck were you going to tell us about this?”

He pulled out his cell phone. “When your parents weren’t around. I’m still not sure we can trust them.”

“Look, I don’t know who the hell you think you are—” Dad started.

However, I finished it. “Point taken. How much footage did you get?”

“Eden?” Dad asked softly.

I shot him a look as I pushed off the door. “Let me see what you have.”

“I want to see, too,” Em said.

“Here, let me help you. Slowly, sweetheart,” Jackson said.

We all gathered around him while my parents simply stood in limbo. As far as I was concerned, we had all we needed from them, and they could take their chances outside. I hunched over the back of the chair, peering over Dominik’s shoulder as he downloaded the footage onto his desktop.

And when the video finally popped up, I was surprised by how clear it was.

“You work well under pressure, don’t you?” I asked.

Dominik chuckled. “I have my moments.”

“There’s something weird about those license plates,” Em said as she squinted her eyes. “They just don’t look… right.”

Jackson nodded. “Do they have too few letters on them or something? Maybe they’re from a different state altogether?”
