Page 20 of The Devil is a Dom

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I’m shutting down this fucking party and getting this circus crew out before officially ruining their careers for good.

When I turned back around to find the young man, I noticed that the caterer had found him first. She hugged him and ran her fingers through his hair, coddling him like he was some toddler who had just skinned his knee. I shook my head and parted the crowd again as I made my way for the stage. I hopped up onto it, planting my hand into the raised platform before leaping toward the microphone.

And after wrangling it away from its stand, I cleared my throat.

“Hello, everyone. I apologize in advance for wasting everyone’s time, but the banquet is over. Please, if everyone could exit the same way you—.”

“But we haven’t even eaten!” someone exclaimed.

I scoffed. “Trust me, I’m saving you from a terrible meal. If everyone could make their way toward the exit, there will be representatives handing out information on ways to donate to these charities online. And remember, we have the whole weekend to raise two million more dollars apiece for them before I match with another million. Have a good evening, everyone. You have my sincerest apologies for the disturbances tonight.”

I beckoned for the security guards to usher people out of the ballroom. I slammed the microphone back into its holster on stage before I leapt off the platform and locked eyes with that caterer. The blush in her cheeks infuriated me. The wide-eyed look she gave made me want to claw her fucking face off. Fuming, I strode straight for her.

“Don’t you even dare,” Eden said as she shoved her way in front of me, blocking my path.

I gripped her upper arms and moved her to the side. I had no patience to deal with her backtalking mouth. If anything, someone needed to stuff her with a cock so she’d finally be productive instead of using it for useless arguments. I slammed through the kitchen door, swinging it open so hard that the handle itself burrowed into the wall.

And when I locked eyes with the caterer that had effectively ruined my entire evening, I tilted my head.

“You’ll never work in Los Angeles again, do you understand me? You and this little business of yours is finished. Hiring sexual predators is not a good business move. But maybe you’d know that if you took your head out of your ass and actually ran your company correctly instead of trying to find a rich benefactor to bed.”

She shook her head quickly. “Mr. Drake, I don’t understand what happened here. I don’t know what in the world she’s accusing him of, but I sent him back there—.”

“To follow some unsuspecting girl into a bathroom?”

She gawked. “No! Of course not! She came out here and said that she and some friends had spilled wine in one of the back rooms. I sent him there to clean it up!”

“Emily, as your lawyer don’t say another word,” Eden said.

My fists clenched at my sides as the sisters stood beside one another. Eden angled herself in front of Emily, and all I wanted to do was toss her over my knee and spank her until she came in my hands.

“Lawyer, huh?” I asked as my eyes raked down her body. “That’s a damn shame.”

I was impressed that a pair of tits like that could have brains like her’s. And yet the way she backtalked me had my cock harder than a steel pole.

Eden folded her arms over her chest. “Anything else you have to say—or anything you want to accuse her of—you can say it to me.”

I smirked. “Wonderful. Then, know this: my banquet is the one social event on everyone’s calendar that people look forward to. Your sister just ruined that for me this year. So, whether or not I do anything, she’s already been blackballed by everyone in this room. They all look up to me. They take cues from me. Which means that all I’ll have to do is tell them that I won’t be utilizing her services any longer and none of them will touch her.”

“Please, Mr. Drake,” Emily said, “if you could just—.”

Eden held up her hand. “Don’t grovel for the likes of him. He’s not worth it.”

I chuckled. “Maybe not personally. But professionally? I’m the one ally your sister needed to have. Good luck out there. It’s a cold, hard world of catering picnics if you’re not catering for us.”

I turned on my heels as the caterer cried out for me to listen. Her sister tried to calm her down, but their sounds spurred me on. I’d run that bitch out of town. Her and her stupid little catering business. I should’ve never allowed my secretary to talk me into using someone different this year. I should’ve simply booked the banquet for two weeks from now, when my regular caterer had been available.

Some lessons are learned the hard way.

My father’s voice echoed off the corners of my mind as I went in search of Jackson and that young woman. I had no idea what in the fuck I was going to have to do in order to smooth things over with her and her family. We’d press charges, for one. I’d rake that stupid boy’s life through the mud just to repair the reputation of my banquet. Outside of that, however, I knew I’d have to offer up my business’s services on a silver platter for the entire family. My company was one of the most lusted-after P.R. companies in the country, which meant that bartering my services in exchange for something got me a hell of a lot further in life than most.

And I knew that if I wanted to keep this shit quiet and away from the public eye, I’d have to use my services as a starting point for negotiations.

Fuck. I hated being under anyone’s thumb. I’ll ruin that caterer for what she’s done to me tonight.
