Page 29 of The Devil is a Dom

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I had to admit, what he was packing was pretty impressive. However, he quickly ripped my grip away and pinned my wrist above my head. My chest rose as his knee pressed between my thighs, trapping me in a position to do nothing but endure his assault. I gritted my teeth. I stared him down. I refused to show him any sort of mercy after wrangling me into a position where I had no other choice but to prostitute myself for my sister’s future.

And yet, my nipples still puckered against my bra.

Thank fuck, it’s padded.

“Six,” he growled.

I shoved him away. “Fine. Let’s get the paperwork drawn up.”

I quickly moved away from the wall and went to sit in front of his desk. I felt his gaze on me the entire time, studying and watching my every move. He was like a hawk with those eyes, and I had just committed myself to accompanying him for over half his fucking social calendar.

My only hope was that there were loopholes in whatever contract we’d draw up that I could exploit to my benefit.

Without another word, he bent over the keyboard of his desktop and started typing away. After a few minutes, his printer came to life, and sheet after sheet of legalese spat itself out. I quirked an eyebrow as he gathered it all up. He stapled it with a slap to the top of the piece of metal that ricocheted a bombastic sound all around his office.

And without even signing it, he handed it over to me.

“We don’t start any negotiations until you sign this,” he said plainly.

I snatched the papers from him and started flipping through their contents.

“This is an NDA,” I said.

He eased himself into his leather chair. “It is.”

I tossed the papers back at him. “I’m not signing that.”

He clicked his tongue. “Maybe South Dakota would be a nice place for her to settle down. A little less hustle and bustle. Is your sister familiar with the two-step?”

At that moment, I knew exactly how every single killer I’d ever come across during my career felt about their targets.

Maybe I’ll strangle you on our last trip with your own fucking belt.

“Go on,” he said as he pushed the papers back in my direction, “be a good girl and look at them for me.”

I hated the smile that crossed his face as I picked them back up. Silently, I flipped through them, reading the copy-paste wording of the document that he probably got from a Google search. It was pathetic, honestly.

“If I’m going to be bound by this, then so are you. Hand me a pen,” I said.

Dominik shook his head. “You sign, and then we negotiate.”

Anger filled my stare. “You can either give me a pen, or I take this paperwork and our conversation to an arena you’re familiar with. I’m sure the public would love to know exactly how this talk between us panned out.”

He chuckled. “Now you’re getting the hang of it. Grab a pen, if you must.”

I bent forward and reached for it and the way his eyes darted to my chest made me want to slap him. He was disgusting. Nothing more than scum on the bottom of the ocean fucking floor—and yet my pussy seemingly disagreed. I needed to keep telling myself how horrible he was, because if I didn’t, I might actually end up enjoying parts of our deal.

And I refused to.

I kept reminding myself that it was only six trips. Six weekend trips.

I wrote out some bullet-pointed things I wanted to make effortlessly clear in the document.

“The weekends are to consist of a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I won’t be taking off work in order to jet off with you, so if you wish to go on a Friday morning then understand that work will come with me. I’ll also require unfettered access to my family when possible. None of this ‘give me your cell phone and let me lock you away for three days’ nonsense.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it.”

I ignored his mocking tone. “This NDA will also keep both of us silent on everything. Our trips. How they came about. What happened at the banquet. This NDA will also ensure that you call off your assault on my sister’s company.”
