Page 61 of The Devil is a Dom

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“Oh, my God,” she whispered breathlessly.

The sun hung heavily in the sky as the glass-bottomed back porch showcased the crystal clear waters beneath our feet. Eden gasped the second she stepped out onto it, and the way she gawked and cooed at the fish swimming beneath us gave me pause. I’d never brought anyone here before. Scratch that, I’d brought my latest ex here once before she made the damn place so unbearable that I had to send her on a plane back home without me.

However, watching the smile that crossed Eden’s face consumed me.

“This place is incredible,” she said softly.

I sipped my whiskey. “You think so?”

She straightened her back and looked up at me. “You don’t?”

“I never said that.”

She held out her arms. “Look around you, Dominik. Look at this view. Listen to those waves. I mean, you can see the fish right underneath your feet! I bet you could fish from your back porch and catch your damn dinner, for Christ’s sake. This place is…”


Her gaze softened. “Yeah. It’s absolute paradise.”

Listening to her talk about my place reminded me of the first time I had ever laid eyes on it after it had been constructed. The plot of land and the air rights had practically drained me dry, but every single part of the project had been worth it. True silence sat upon these waters. True happiness existed within the sunsets that warmed the waves I always took night dips in.

And to see someone else be just as taken by it gave me pause.

“Your room is just off the kitchen,” I said as I pointed to my right, “if you want to take your stuff in there to get settled.”

She turned out toward the endless expanse of ocean in front of us. “Thanks.”

I threw back the rest of my drink. “I’d suggest a nap as well.”

“Who in the world can sleep in a place like this? I want to take a swim, that’s what I want to do.”

I lowered my lips to her ear as a smirk crawled across my face. “You’re going to need your strength for tonight, so I suggest you listen, sweet girl.”

Her back stiffened. “You really know how to ruin a good time, you know that?”

I chuckled as I stood upright. “Yet, something tells me you’re looking forward to it.”


And yet, I watched from my perched position as her nipples puckered tightly behind her bra.

Then, I turned to make my way inside. “I’ll see you at seven-thirty in the front hallway foyer. Don’t be late.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she murmured with a wave of her hand, “whatever. See you then.”

Part of me wanted to drag her downstairs by her hair just to show her who the hell was in charge. But I decided to let her attitude go. For that moment, anyway. After all, I had an entire basement of proclivities waiting for her. I had an entire basement of nefarious wishes just waiting to be explored. And before our day was over, I’d have her begging for more of me. I’d have her bucking wildly against me, seeking out any pleasure she could while she dripped those juices of hers down the expanse of her thighs. I’d have her trying to bargain her soul in exchange for my cock sliding against her luscious walls. And I’d do it all with the tips of my fingers and the slats of my toys.

Just like I had in Italy.
