Page 75 of The Devil is a Dom

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“Oh! Yeah! I’ll be able to make that. Even if I have to work, Sunday evening won’t be an issue.”

Eden’s voice echoed from behind her closed bedroom door as I poured myself a cup of coffee. I fought the urge to stay and eavesdrop because I wanted to know what kind of plans she was making. Sunday evening? As in, tomorrow evening?

We wouldn’t be home before tomorrow evening.

Tough shit for her.

After taking a long pull from my coffee, she went silent on the phone. At least, I assumed she was talking on her cell phone. I stood there for a bit, allowing the first swallows of caffeine to take hold. And after the clouded fog of sleep lifted from my brain, I practically barricaded myself at my desk in my master suite.

I had a hell of a lot of work to get done before I rewarded myself with that body of hers.

I set my curiosity aside and started answering emails that had long since needed my attention. After all, I had other things I needed to be working on outside of digging into some mystery surrounding one of my fuck-toys. I dove into the mindless emails, answering basic questions and trying to drown my frustrations at everyone’s incompetence in an endless amount of black liquid gold.

And as a video call rolled through my laptop, I heard Eden walking around downstairs.

“Mem’ries, bum bum buuuum da-dum mem’riiiiies.”

“At least learn the damn lyrics,” I murmured as I answered the video call.

“What lyrics?” Shonda asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Have you seen the email I copied you on?”

“Just got done reading it.”

I leveled my eyes with hers. “Why do I have someone in my P.R. Department still asking me basic questions on how to format formal statements to send to news stations?”

She sighed. “I honestly don’t know. I don’t know why he chose to email you directly. I’ve been talking with him all weekend, and--”

I narrowed my eyes. “Are you at your desk right now?”

She looked sheepishly into the camera. “He sent me four emails last night, so I figured I’d volley things better if I were at my desk.”

I clicked my tongue. “Clock your time. Take a lunch, if necessary. And when you respond to that email? Let him know that if he’s been employed with this company for over a year and he still doesn’t know how to do the basics? We’ll find someone who can catch on a bit quicker.”

“Will do, sir. Anything else?”

I leaned back in my chair as the view of the ocean stretched out before me. Just beyond my laptop, I watched as Eden’s bikini-clad body floated upon the water, positioned perfectly to tease my gaze. Her thighs spread against the floating tire as the waves rustled her body, jiggling those unharnessed tits while her skin tanned with the rays of the sun.

My dick stiffened against my pajama pants as Shonda’s voice caught my attention.

“Sir?” she asked.

I drew in a curt breath through my nose. “Have you seen the email regarding that new client who’s contracted my services?”

She nodded slowly. “I saw it, yes.”

“What do you think?”

She blinked. “You want to know what I think?”

“Does that shock you?”

“You’ve never asked me that question before.”
