Page 99 of The Devil is a Dom

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And even though we had answers sitting right in front of us, it still felt as if we were back at square one.

“So, just to make sure I have this straight in my head,” I said as I walked over to their father, “you witnessed Thaddius Beauregard commit murder, you struck a deal with him to testify that it was someone else, and after taking a five-million-dollar bribe from the mafia itself, you testified in court, put an innocent person in prison for something they didn’t do, and then you turned around and took the mafia’s money while running straight into the arms of the government.”

“Well, when you put it that way,” the man murmured.

I darted my eyes over to Jackson. “We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

“Why? Wh—wha… what is even happening right now?” Em asked mindlessly.

“Why?” Eden asked. “Because Thaddius Beauregard sits on his board of investors for the company, that’s why.”

And for the second time that evening, it fell so silent that God Himself would have created an entirely new universe just to fill the void.
