Page 20 of Bedroom King

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The diner was busy for a Monday afternoon. Each booth and table was occupied by either a family or group of students, and the servers looked like they were about to pass out from exhaustion.

Even the hostess seemed out of breath as she ran up to me, holding a menu.

“Hi, table for one?”

“Um, actually, can I pick up an application?”

The hostess couldn’t have been more relieved at my request. I didn’t know whether it was because they were already busy or in dire need of help. Although, I guessed it was a combination of both.

“Let me go get the manager.”

Back in high school, I’d begged my parents to let me get a part-time job, but they refused. Especially my mother, who believed that only men should work outside of the home. I thought it’d be fun to waitress in a restaurant or maybe even a drive-in, where I could be a carhop on roller skates.

As my friends in high school began working in the fast-food industry, I quickly realized that it was not fun at all, and certainly wasn’t glamorous. The pay was absolute crap and the customers treated staff like servants. I wasn’t in the position to be picky though.

Several guys from Omicron Alpha, Blade’s fraternity, got up from a table and headed towards the door. I’d seen them plenty of times at parties and, even from our few interactions, sensed they were just as slutty as him. Unfortunately, they didn’t quite have the same charm to back up their man-whore ways.

One of them went to the register to pay as the rest headed towards the door. More than just one of them winked at me and flashed creepy smiles in the process. I instinctively clutched my stomach tighter.

There was no way I’d go out with any of them; that was for damn sure.

The guy at the register stopped in front of me on his way out. “Hey, Isabella. I heard about you and Blade the other night.”

“Excuse me?”

The guy smacked his gum as he leaned against the wall, doing all but pointing to the bulge in his pants. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

He threw his head back, laughing as though it were all some big joke. “Any chance I could get your number?”

“Are you out of your fucking mind?”

The guy shrugged before winking at me again. “Not sure why you’re so loyal to Blade, but suit yourself.”

I could have argued with him, but there’d be no point. It would only give the scumbag satisfaction. Unfortunately, the only way to fight rumors was to stay quiet about them and hope that they fizzled out.

I exited the diner doors as the hostess returned with the manager.

By the time I made it back into my car, there were no more tears left for me to cry. The biggest surprise in everything that happened had nothing to do with my parents or Jason. I should have known that my parents would cut me off, and if Jason was so bold as to have someone spy on me, then of course, he’d ruin my reputation with a vicious rumor.

No, the biggest surprise in all of this was that only The Bedroom King could be trusted.
