Page 21 of Bedroom King

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Becominga professional football player meant doing what I loved for a living. Traveling the country, competing against other teams, and, of course, hooking up with women across America. That’s why all my time and energy was spent honing my skills. I hit up the gym twice a day and mastered my skills on the field. The constant one-night stands served as equal parts stress relief and pleasure. No doubt, I was a horndog. I’d been that way since I first learned what masturbation was and I didn’t see it slowing down anytime soon. Surely, in the future, I’d consider starting a family but that was so far out of my mind that it might as well have been fiction.

Learning world history had no effect on the trajectory of my life and career.

I didn’t even care about the history of football. It shouldn’t matter where it originated or how it got to be the most popular American sport, just like it didn’t matter learning about old wars. What good would any of that information do me in the future? General education credits were absolutely a scam, used as nothing more than filler classes so greedy colleges could grab more money.

I would have fallen asleep at the back of the class had I not been doing so poorly. With only two semesters left until I was officially done with college, I couldn’t afford to lose any of my scholarships. Suddenly, history mattered. For all intents and purposes, I was blackmailed into caring about history.

“Mr. Eggleston, I suggest you put your cell phone away and pay attention. I’m sure TikTok will still be online long after this class is over.”

The class chuckled as I slid it back into my pocket. “Sorry, sir.”

I nodded, even though that’s not what I had been doing.

I was actually browsing Isabella’s social media profiles.

Every picture of her was perfect, from her clothes right down to the way she looked at the camera. Country clubs, skiing in Colorado, relaxing in a hot tub in Sweden. From all outward appearances, Isabella had a perfect life, but that woman wasn’t living a fairy tale. She was trapped.

I kicked myself for asking her out right after she dumped Jason. Assuming her guard would come down now that she was a free woman, it seemed the perfect opportunity to make my move. But the look on her face when she said no said it all.

I was a confident and proud man, but I might have gotten myself in over my head with that one. Isabella wouldn’t be caught dead with a guy like me.

Deciding that my body needed to detoxify after a weekend of cheeseburgers and fries, I stopped at the campus health food store on the way home. A petite brunette with hazel eyes stood behind the counter, flashing her adorable smile at me as I walked up. And I’m not saying that every girl in the world was hellbent on letting me fuck them, but I always felt that was the case. Something about girls’ smiles that had a way of making my cock jump. Innocent smiles. Lip-chewing smiles. They all excited me.

“Hey, Blade. I haven’t seen you in here for a while.”

I glanced at her name tag, hoping it wasn’t too noticeable. “Yeah, well, you know how crazy school can get, Justine. Do you guys have any of that detox water?”

“We sure do!” Justine turned around and bent over, showing off her tight, gorgeous ass in a pair of jeans that hugged every curve as she reached for a six-pack. “How many would you like?”

“What you have in your hand is fine, thanks.”

She tilted her head to the side as she scanned the six-pack. “So, will you be sharing these with anyone special tonight, Blade?”

“Nah, I’m afraid it’ll just be me and the books tonight.”

“That’s too bad because my roommate and I are having a movie night. She’d love for you to join us.”

Just the thought of an impromptu threesome got me hard. “Oh yeah?”

She whipped out her cell phone and flashed a picture of her roommate. She was blonde with puckered cherry lips and tits that threatened to burst from her pink bathing suit. Justine knew exactly what she was doing, and I watched as her gaze dropped to my erection. “She and I are very close.”

Her long tongue ran over her lips as I shifted uncomfortably, praying to God that nobody else walked in. The longer we stared at each other, the more I considered pulling an all-nighter after pounding both of those girls into oblivion. But the thought of losing my football scholarships snapped me back to reality because yeah, I needed to choose to care about history.

“As much as I’d love to, I actually do have to study tonight. I got a bunch of tests coming up that I can’t afford to fail.”

She leaned over the counter, her breasts bouncing as she slid the water across, giving me a gorgeous view of her cleavage. “Well, maybe another time. Enjoy studying tonight, Blade.”

The way she purred my name drove me insane but losing a football scholarship wasn’t worth a threesome. Not even with two stunning women who were, apparently, much more than roommates. I stood firmly in place, my feet refusing to move.. My head dragged me one way while my cock dragged me the other. I grinded my teeth before forcing my way out of the danger zone, and out onto the sidewalk where it was safe. The cool breeze tempered my erection almost immediately.

The Omicron Alpha fraternity house stood out from the rest. Situated at the top of a hill on campus, the white concrete pillars were a stark contrast to the dark, red bricks of the building. Everything about the massive mansion screamed alpha. It was the most desirable fraternity to get into at Exley since it virtually guaranteed you a high-paying career straight out of college. Education wasn’t the most important thing anyone ever got out of a college. The most important thing had always been networking. When trying to get a job, it wsa never, what do you know? It was always, who do you know?

And everybody knew someone that knew someone from Omicron Alpha.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I breathed a sigh of relief that it was empty.

Audiobooks were the only way to study, because I wouldn’t be caught dead reading a book, so I turned one on and sat back with my detox water. The narrator’s voice managed to squash the rampant sexual thoughts running through my mind. A quick masturbation session would have taken care of my growing erection, but it wasn’t worth the risk of falling asleep afterward.
