Page 6 of Bedroom King

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The hostess blushed before seating us at a corner booth, which gave us an excellent view of everyone in the place. “Your server will be right with you guys. Nice to see you, Blade.”

Aiden shook his head after she walked away. “Did you hook up with her too, man?”

“I can’t remember, but she’s cute. If I haven’t, I will.”

After placing our orders with the waitress, Aiden turned the conversation towards sports. “So, are you still going to go pro after graduation? The football team has been killing it this year.”

I sipped my second cup of coffee that morning, wishing I’d taken a few aspirins before bed the night before. “Hell yeah, man. Coach says I’ve got what it takes, too.”

He poured several sugar packets into his coffee and stirred, watching it dissolve into the creamy mixture. “What team do you have your eyes on?”

“Whichever one pays the most and is by the beach. Money and sunshine are all I need in life.”

“And girls,” he pointed out.

Aiden hadn’t been doing too bad for himself lately, though. “Actually, you might be surpassing me when it comes to the bedroom scoreboard. How many chicks so far this semester?”

He closed his eyes and counted. “Seventeen. You?”

I was about to answer him when Emily Benton caught my attention, casually waving at me as she stood in front of a computer. “Is she clocking out? I didn’t know she worked here.”

Aiden shrugged as he checked her out a little too intensely. “Yeah, Emily’s one of the only girls at Rho Alpha Xi who has a job. Most of them rely on their parents.”

“Yeah, well, not like I can judge them.”

“You know who her roommate is, right?”

I scratched my head, trying to remember. “Not a clue, man.”

“Isabella Dayton, the most unattainable woman at Exley.”

My cock stirred as I suddenly remembered Isabella. Considered to be the cream of the crop on campus, Isabella was not only rich, but her parents practically ran her hometown. Everybody who was somebody in Westfield, Indiana, personally knew the Daytons.

“Oh, yeah. Isn’t she engaged, though?”

“Nope,” Aiden said as he slammed his mug down. “Just a boyfriend.”

“I’ve seen Isabella at parties and around campus, but she keeps to herself.”

Aiden leaned back in his seat and flashed his signature creepy smile. God knows how he was able to bed so many women when he looked like the son of the Joker whenever he smiled. “You know where I’m going with this, right?”

Of course, I did. “Look, it’s a lost cause, man. Isabella Dayton is Miss Prim and Proper. The only reason she even comes to our parties is that she’s the Vice President of Rho Alpha Xi.”

“Alright, then tell me how many girls you’ve slept with so far this semester.”

Without me having to say it, Aiden knew that he’d fucked more women than me so far that year. It was a crushing blow to my ego. I scratched nervously at the back of my head. “Look, classes have been kicking my ass lately. That’s the only reason you’re slightly winning so far.”

“And it kills you, doesn’t it? Imagine if word got out that I was on my way to dethroning The Bedroom King.”

I nearly choked on my hash browns. “Oh please, Aiden. Give me another week of hitting the books, and I’ll be above you in no time. Besides, you’re only ahead by a few.”

Aiden pointed at me with both hands, his fingers shaped in the form of guns. “Alright, tell you what. You get Isabella Dayton into bed, and I’ll let you graduate with the title even if I sleep with more women than you this year.”

I wiped my face with a napkin, wondering what my odds were when it came to fucking Isabella. From what I gathered, she spent all her free time either studying or working on projects for her sorority. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it might be possible. Of course, she was completely unobtainable, what with being practically engaged to her childhood beau. Wouldn’t have been the first time I’d been with a girl that’s already taken, but it made the calculation slightly more difficult.

Women like her were like opening a jar of pickles. You just have to put in a little more work.

“And nobody besides us will know?”


I reached my hand across the table and slid it into Aiden’s.

“Alright, bro. You got yourself a deal.”
