Page 61 of Bedroom King

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I followed her into the server alley, still pissed about what he’d said. “Should I go say something to that guy?”

“Don’t take it personally,” Emily said as she filled a huge drink order for another table. “The nicer you are to the customers, the bigger the tips usually are. Sometimes, even the assholes end up tipping well but that’s rather rare.”

I watched with awe as she carried a tray of nine drinks using only one hand, not even spilling a drop before placing them on the table. By the time the dinner rush was over, Emily had suggested that I start taking tables on my own.

A group of guys from Omicron Alpha was my first table.

“I can’t wait on them, Emily. Can you please take their order?”

Emily leaned against the wall of the kitchen and shook her head. “Normally, I’d help you out, but if you’re gonna work here, then you’ve got to get used to waiting on fraternity guys.”

“Fuck, I knew this was a big mistake.”

“Look,” she said. “It’s uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it. Besides, they seem drunk, which means you’ll get a decent tip.”

I took one look at them, realized she was right and walked over to take their order.

The guys made a few comments to me about becoming a waitress, but thankfully said nothing about Blade. They either didn’t know what’d happened or were too drunk to remember.

Emily and I finished our first shift together a few hours later. I was pleasantly surprised at how much money I’d earned in such a short amount of time, counting out my wad of cash as we walked out to our cars.

The first thing I did back at the sorority house was take a long, hot shower. My feet and back were hurting me, but that was the least of my problems. Every free moment I had was spent checking my cell phone, hoping to hear something from Blade. Even a text message checking in on me. I kept pulling it out of my apron throughout my shift, praying that there was something from him saying that he still cared about me.

But I hadn’t received any notification.

Even my parents had been quiet on their end, not inundating me with text messages and phone calls. Which is what I expected after the weekend we’d had. I’d done everything but screamed fuck you to them at the charity event.

After drying myself off and changing into a pair of pajamas, I made myself something to eat and headed back upstairs. Emily was already there, devouring a piece of cake as I curled up in bed across from her.

It was time to come clean about my parents’ offer, which I knew she’d scoff at. Just as Blade had done back at the hotel.

I took a long, deep breath and finally spoke up. “There’s something I didn’t tell you about this weekend, Emily. My parents are writing their will and want to leave me as their beneficiary.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. Even after everything that went down?”

I shoved the rest of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich into my mouth, silently wishing it were a cheeseburger. “Well, not exactly. There’s a stipulation.”

Emily smirked as she shook her head. She’d never met my parents, but she knew them well enough to know they didn’t do anything for free. Even when it came to their only child. They were more protective of their fortune than they were their child.

“Of course, there’s a stipulation. What is it? You gotta surrender your firstborn to the devil?”

“Emily, they’re not that bad.”

She laughed so hard that I had no choice but to join her. I imagined some satanic ritual with my parents on opposite ends of a pentagram.

“Yeah, right. So, spill it. What’s the stipulation?”

“I have to have worked for Frost Technology for at least five years before receiving the money, and it’s half a billion dollars.”

Emily threw her head back, laughing. “Wow, they really think you’d work for him after everything he put you through?” She saw the look on my face and instantly knew. “Isabella, you can’t be serious. Please tell me that you’re not considering this?”

“Think about it, though. Jason wants to basically own Westfield, but with that much money, I could stop him. I could have so much power over him and finally get him back for the way he treated me all these years.”


“I don’t know,” I said. “But I’ve seen firsthand how people with money control everything, and the guy needs to be put in his place. Besides, getting back at my parents felt so fucking good, Emily. The ultimate payback would be to take their offer and then spit in their faces by destroying their precious son they never had.”

“Getting revenge on your parents is one thing, but doing so to your ex-boyfriend is another. Just let him go, girl. It’s not worth it.”
