Page 63 of Bedroom King

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The recruiterfor the California Lions watched intensely as I sprinted across the football field, weaving in and out of hurdles as the coach cheered me on. It felt like my thighs were on fire as I pushed through each obstacle, tossing and receiving the football in the process. My fellow teammates encouraged me from the sidelines, chanting my name as sweat ran down my face. All I needed was to impress the recruiter, and, according to our coach, I’d be signed.

Images of Isabella kept popping into my head. The mental pictures made it nearly impossible to stay focused. I kept wondering where she was and what she was doing. Now that she wasn’t my tutor anymore, I couldn’t help but worry about her finances. Her parents had cut her off and now, I had too. Not that I wasn’t justified in being upset with her.

At one point, I nearly tripped over my feet, catching myself just in time before making it to the end zone. Memories of the night Isabella and I hooked up in the park flooded my mind, forcing me to shake my head to get back into the right mindset. This was my only shot at impressing the recruiter, and nothing, not even Isabella Dayton, could stand in my way.

Once practice was done, I spent a few minutes catching my breath, bent over as the recruiter made his way over to me.

“Blade Eggleston, you’re one hell of a player.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He handed me a towel, and I promptly dried myself off, praying to God that he was impressed enough with my performance to offer me a contract. “There’s no question that you have the physical ability to join the California Lions, but I’d like to discuss your academics.”

Of course, he wanted to discuss my academics.

Fuck my life.

The recruiter and I walked off to the side, sitting down on the bleachers as I guzzled water.

“I’m all ears, sir.”

He pulled out a tablet and scrolled through the Exley website, nodding as he reviewed my grades for each class. My current grades were fine, but I was freaked out about the second half of the semester without Isabella as my tutor anymore.

“You’re doing quite well this semester. At least, so far, you are. Am I to assume you’ll keep up the good work?”

He eyed me suspiciously as I nodded, convincing myself of my own white lie.

“Yes, sir. Absolutely. If I’m not practicing football, then I’m hitting the books.”

He nodded approvingly. “And you’ll be graduating next year, correct?”

My stomach twisted into knots as I realized just how much Isabella had helped me, and now she was gone. The person who singlehandedly turned my grades around was out of my life. I could always sign up for another tutor on campus, but Isabella had a way of explaining things that made sense. She had a way of getting through to me when nobody else in the world could.

Not wanting to jinx my only shot, though, I lied yet again.

“Yes, sir.” I paused for a moment, reminding myself that I’d chastised Isabella for lying, and there I was, doing the same damn thing. “Although…never mind. Yes, I’ll be graduating next semester.”

The recruiter was justifiably concerned about my apprehension. “Is everything okay? Is there any reason why you may not graduate next semester, Blade?”

Of course, there was. My final semester would be packed full of classes so hard I could kiss any shot of getting laid aside. Hell, I may even have to step down as President of Omicron Alpha. And that’s only if I could make it through the rest of the current semester.

But the recruiter was waiting for an answer.

“Not at all, sir. I have every intention of graduating.”

He looked around to make sure that nobody else was nearby. “Let’s talk about your personal life for a second. Is there anything that would hold you back from being one-hundred percent dedicated to the team next year?”

“No, sir. I’m completely single and have every intention of staying that way.”

The recruiter leaned in closer to my ear. “So, you don’t have any personal issues that would keep you from traveling the country?”

“Nope. As I said, sir, I’m single and plan on staying that way.”

“We’re not concerned about romantic relationships so much as parental ones, Blade.”

His wording confused me. “Oh, um, well, my parents fully support my decision to go professional. If that’s what you mean.”
