Page 78 of Bedroom King

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Eight Months Later

Emily and I enjoyed every minute of our last night in Greece.

The music had been blasting since about seven o’clock that evening on the beach. The two of us were staying at a nearby hotel, which was the last stop of our overseas vacation. Emily was wearing a bright blue strapless dress that brought out her eyes, and I was wearing a similar black one with matching high heels.

As the music changed to a different song, we headed over to a nearby table and sat down. Emily sipped her cocktail and eyed the guys around us.

“I can’t thank Blade enough for buying me a ticket. There’s no way I could have afforded this trip.”

“He’s a pretty good guy, that’s for damn sure,” Emily said as she pulled my engagement ring closer to her face. “Where do I find a guy like him?”

I gestured to the dozens of ones around us, all of whom had been eyeing her.

“I’m pretty sure any one of these guys would wife you up in a heartbeat, girl.”

“Yeah, but then I’d have to move to Greece and be far away from you.”

The past year had changed everything. Emily and Blade now respected each other, whereas she hated his guts a few short months prior. It’s funny how quickly things can change. She was always the mother I needed and the sister I wish I had.

We enjoyed a few appetizers before heading back to our hotel room.

The fact that our vacation was ending was bittersweet. On the one hand, it’d been the time of my life, having met dozens of new people and traveling to different countries. But I also couldn’t wait to get back home and see Blade, who’d spent the summer training with the California Lions.

Emily and I fell asleep in our party clothes that night, barely waking up in time the next day to catch our flight. We packed our bags and hightailed it to the airport, where we fell asleep on the plane within minutes.

I woke up to Emily shaking my arm on the plane.

“Girl, wake up and put your seatbelt on. We’re landing.”

I groggily secured my seatbelt as we hit the tarmac, clutching onto the armrest as the plane bumped and glided to a halt. It had been one hell of a vacation, but nothing felt quite as good as coming home again.

Blade was supposed to be at practice all day, so my plan was to head to baggage claim, share a cab with Emily, and then head back to our apartment. The two of us had been living in a two-bedroom in downtown Los Angeles since graduating from Exley, where I did freelance marketing as he practiced for the California Lions.

The second I got off the plane, however, I was greeted by Blade holding a bouquet of red roses. I let out a shriek of excitement as I raced forward, practically leaping into his arms as he showered me with kisses.

“I couldn’t wait to see you, babe,” he said, breathing hot fire against my lips as he devoured me.

Emily grunted as she made her way to baggage claim. “Ugh, get a room you two.”

The three of us went to baggage claim, collected our bags. Out front, Emily climbed into a cab and waved goodbye. Blade and I then hopped into his red sports car, driving off towards downtown Los Angeles.

I never grew tired of the view in California, at least not the one that came with living near the ocean. Blade had his hand dangerously deep between my thighs as he sped through traffic, speeding right past our exit.

“Hey, you passed the exit.”

He squeezed my thigh and shot me a smile. “You’ll see why, babe.”

I leaned back in my seat, eager to see what my Bedroom King had in store for me.

A few minutes later, Blade pulled up to a gated community and waited to be let through. The guard took one look at him, opened up the gates, and we headed all the way to the top of a mountain. It was the same neighborhood I’d been eyeing ever since we moved out to California in June.

I eyed him suspiciously in between peeks at the beautiful views. “What on earth are you doing?”

“Relax, babe. It’s a surprise.”
