Page 15 of Potent Desire 2

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“I swear, I had nothing to do with this,” Maddox speaks and it leaves a pit in my gut. “Your father asked me to do a job, and this is my payment. I don’t like it any more than you do.”

How am I supposed to feel about this? How would anyone? I can’t even wrap my head around the concept, let alone accept my father’s wishes. A few hours ago, I was on the road, about to embark on the greatest journey of my life. Now, I’m stuck, just another plaything.

It feels impossible to believe Maddox’s words. He stopped me from running. He wanted me back here for this meeting. Tears well in my eyes and they threaten to spill. I try to speak, but the words choke in the back of my throat.

“That’s why you did it, isn’t it? Why you made me come back here?” I finally speak. It’s the only logical solution I can conjure.

“No,” Maddox lifts his hands, standing and looking defensive. “I meant every word of what I said out there. They’d have made your life hell, if you ran and they caught you. Look, you saw it yourself – I thought he was offering me a place among his ranks, not his actual family.”

I suppose he’s not lying about that. He does seem taken aback by the offer. But, what if that was all part of their plan. A way to convince me that this wasn’t preconceived?

“I’m not going to do it. I won’t sleep with you,” I don’t know why that’s what comes from my mouth.

“You don’t have to. I don’t expect you to,” Maddox replies. He doesn’t make a move closer to me. Not the way Vik did. He’s lingering awkwardly. He looks as uncomfortable as I feel.

Somehow, I believe him. Maddox isn’t a fool. He was the man who killed Vik, after all. If he had any inclination that he’d meet the same fate, why would he try to get in here? And my father did seem adamant in his wish to have an heir to rule the throne someday.

But, how can I even allow that? Siring a child to take on this twisted depravity of a life someday? How would I live with myself, putting my beautiful baby in the position I find myself now in? I’m too young even to be thinking about children, let alone birthing one.

Even if Maddox did have nothing to do with it, what does that change? I’m just a dog’s chew toy thrown from one mouth to the next. Because I’m a woman, the only thing I’m good for is servicing men.

Fuck that. I won’t allow it.

I don’t bother speaking, there’s nothing more to say. I get to my feet and run out of the room. Maddox doesn’t put up a fight or try and stop me. He just watches me leave.

For now, I should play along with them. Pretend that I’m onboard. If I let them believe that I’m a good little girl, burying the past and looking forward to the Romani family legacy, they won’t ask questions.

But, all the while, I’ll plan my escape.

The final chapter in a life I’ll someday forget.
