Page 4 of Potent Desire 4

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Always too hard on himself for the littlest of things.

“How do you plan for a rogue priest?” I smile at him. This time, it’s more genuine than the last time. I’m trying to break him out of this loop of agony he’s putting himself through. He might be my forced husband, but I also know Maddox is a good person beneath the obscurity of his criminal life. He doesn’t deserve to suffer, the same way I don’t deserve it.

“We could’ve taken a little more time. Rushing the wedding, rushing this event,” he says, waving a hand towards my dad. I nod because I can’t logically disagree with him.

“But, I won’t let this drift off. I won’t stand idly by, while your father is on his deathbed. I will find out who did this, Isabella, and I’ll make sure they suffer for their crimes.” There’s a hard look in his eye. He’s angry, a shark that’s smelled blood in the water.

“You don’t have to do that,” I say. “My father’s men will take care of it.”

“I’m not doing it out of some illogical sense of loyalty to the crown,” Maddox speaks in an almost hushed tone, so my father won’t hear. He’s out cold anyway, so he couldn’t if he wanted to.

“We are family now,” Maddox sounds uncomfortable saying those words. “And I’ve always made it a top priority to protect my own.”

A sudden laugh comes from my father’s bed. It’s weak, but I guess anyone would be, after being shot multiple times. The laugh, which is more like a proud, fatherly chuckle, quickly turns into a cough, then a wheeze, and then a long gasping sigh for air.

“Mister Romani,” Maddox says, half-bowing his head in respect to The King.

“Quit with that shit,” my dad replies. “You’re family now, Son. You said it yourself. And I’m a dying man in a bed. No point in pretending tradition holds true while we’re alone here, is there?”

“No, I guess not,” Maddox looks up. Deep concern floods his face. He looks like the puppy that stole a chicken off a table, waiting to get his punishment.

“Come closer, you two. Come closer,” Dad says, raising his hand and waving us over. Even that slight action takes a lot out of him.

When we get to his side, he takes my hand, fumbling it along the hospital beds railing towards Maddox’s, before interlocking them. Dad holds us as if he’s going to give a riveting speech, after which we’ll break in raucous cheering. Like in those teen sports dramas, where the coach gets the gang all ready to kick ass.

“You see, Maddox, I knew you were the perfect man to bring into my family,” he starts. Although he’s speaking to Maddox, his attention is mostly on me. “The way you hold yourself, your loyalty, your pride, it’s truly inspiring.”

Neither of us interrupts Dad, even when he takes a few seconds to steady his breathing.

“You’re an ambitious young man, and I love that. But, your ambitions don’t stretch to my throne. Not like your father, not like Quincy, and not like any of those sons of bitches,” he almost laughs, but stops himself with a groan. “If it was anyone else, they’d want me dead, to sit at my table. Who am I kidding? They’d want to take my table. Unlike them, you’re here comforting my daughter and preparing to find out whoever did this. Not for yourself, but so that she might rest easy, knowing her father was avenged.”

“Yes, Sir,” Maddox replies. My dad scowls at him, and with a little smile, Maddox says. “Yes, Father?” It comes out like a question, and his face contorts into absolute discomfort.

It puts a smile on my dad’s face.

“Well, Maddox, it’s damned good to have you here.” Dad gives a soft squeeze to our hands. “But I should just let you know, I’m in this hospital bed, now, but I won’t be for long. So, don’t get your hopes up on running the operations, just yet.” Raspy, wheezy laughter leaves Dad’s lips and Maddox joins in.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Maddox says. “I’ve got way too much to learn before I can command any seat, anywhere.”

“Good boy.” Dad nods his head. “Now, Isabella’s been here at my side since it all went down. Won’t you do me a favor and make sure she gets home safely? The doctors told me I’ll be fine in a couple of days, so there’s really no point in either of you staying around. You’re just gonna get a bad back sleeping on those seats anyway.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “I’d prefer being here.”

“No, no,” Dad protests. “You’re worrying about nothing, Bella. I’m gonna be just fine. I’ll be out before you know it.”

“But what if—”

“If anything happens there’s staff all around ready to help,” he smiles. “And they’ll call you immediately. Go home. Get some rest. If you want, come back in the morning.”

“First thing then,” I say, leaning forward and giving my dad a kiss on the forehead. It’s clammy and warm.

“Sneak in a bottle of whizz when you come back. I’m dying for a drink and the doctors say I can only have water.” Dad gives a wink and a snicker, but the pain is evident on his face.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say.

“Oh, and one more thing, I never got to say this at the wedding, though it would’ve been part of my speech afterward.” Dad finally turns his full attention to Maddox. “Welcome to the family, Son.”

Maddox pauses for a moment, just looking blankly at my dad, and then me, and then back to my dad.

“Thank you,” he says. “It’s an honor.”

Dad releases our hands, lets out a long yawn, and grumbles something to himself. I can’t make it out what it is, but I’m not even sure they are real words. Maddox and I make our way for the door, and Dad’s sleeping by the time we get to it.
