Page 5 of The Devil's Angel

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My jaw goes slack, fear giving way to anger. “You can’t do that . . . This is illegal!”

“You are smarter than that, princess.”

Shit. He’s right, of course.

I can’t exactly call the police, as that will only make it worse for everyone, myself especially. Hell, I didn’t even bring my phone with me, afraid my father would use it to track and stop me.

Even so, I can’t let this . . . this . . . rogue kidnap me.

I shake my head, which makes him narrow his eyes at me. Then a wicked smile spreads across his face, sending shivers dancing over my skin. “Looks like we’re going with option two.”

Luca lets go of my hand and leans down to grab my knees before easily lifting me over his broad shoulders, taking me by surprise, and for a full second, I don’t know how to react. I feel the firm grip on my legs as he carries me out of the room like I weigh nothing.

“Put me down,” I cry, punching his back as he carries me down the stairs. “I will scream if you don’t let go of me.”

The man calls my bluff because he doesn’t say a word as he takes me through a private door beneath the stairs. The men guarding the stairs don’t even blink as we pass. I kick my feet in an attempt to get him to put me down, but he swats my ass, and I go still, not from the move but from the strange, pulsing heat that throbs between my legs.

I am so mortified by my body’s reaction that I don’t speak another word until we’re outside and he’s putting me down next to a car. He opens his car door and nods at it. “Get in.”

“If my father finds out that you took me, he will raise hell—”

“You just said no one knows you’re here,” he says smugly.


“I lied,” I argue weakly, but he must read the truth in my eyes because he simply grunts, nodding again at the open door.

“Get in.”

I throw a look into the car and sniff. “What are you going to do with me?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet, but you’ll be safe while you’re with me as long as you behave.”

I swallow hard and take a half step away from the car. “What does that mean, behave? What do you expect me to do?”

His eyes darken impossibly further and he steps closer, forcing me back toward the car until I’m pressed against it. He braces one arm on either side of me and leans in so his breath ghosts over my ear. “I expect you to do what you’re told. But don’t worry, princess, I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

My chest heaves as I draw in unsteady breaths, and he’s so close, my breasts nearly brush the fabric of his shirt. My body feels strung tight, and my eyes dart around him over the dark parking lot.

“No one is going to help you even if they come across us, Katya,” he says, as if reading my thoughts. “You have to know that everyone in this part of the city answers to me.”

I swallow deeply as I lift my eyes to his much darker ones, and I lose a bit of myself in them. They are nearly black, like the sea on a stormy night and just as mesmerizing. Under the streetlight, they carry a hint of a challenge, and I am under no delusion that this man is dangerous, but . . . something about him calls to me, pulls me in.

A part of me wants to leave with him, to take my chances with this enigmatic devil. If he let me go back home, I would be walking into an arranged marriage. This man offers a chance at an uncertain future, one that could potentially be dangerous, but at least I won’t end up in the arms and bed of a cruel old man.

Maybe leaving with him won’t be so terrible.

“You promised . . .” I start, chewing at my lips as I ponder my decision a little more. “You promise you won’t hurt me?”

“You have my word.”

I nod, climbing into the car, my nerves fraying when he locks the door behind me. I wait until he’s circled around to his own side and climbed in before speaking again. “Where are you going to take me?” I ask.

“You’ll come back to my apartment with me.” He must see me stiffen because he adds, “I assure you that you’ll be treated with respect as long as you behave yourself.”

“So, I’ll be like a guest rather than a captive?” I wince at the unintended edge of sarcasm in my tone.

Luca’s lips tip up in a self-satisfied grin. “No, princess. You’ll be treated like what you are . . .mine.”
