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My gaze caught on Smith’s as I drove away. He was sitting on my porch, keeping an eye on my house. He rotated my guard duty with Beck, but I rarely saw him. Bauther usually guarded me around the clock himself, sleeping in front of my house in his wolf form when necessary.

The fact that Smith was there after we’d spent hours in bed together felt like a slap in the face.

Beck didn’t want me to realize what we were to each other, so he put Smith on duty. His wolf had to be driving him mad over the distance between us, but he still had Smith watching me, to help him hide the truth.

What a fucking bastard.

I flipped Smith off as I drove past him. There was no point in gunning the engine or trying to get away from him; I’d already told Madd where I was going.

So I seethed while he followed me down the back roads that led to Tori and Vex’s place, cursing Beck’s name the whole way there.

My fist rapped on the door loudly.

There was a moment of silence. They were probably asleep.

So I bit my lip, but rang the doorbell. Twice.

Heavy footsteps were on the floor a minute later, and Vex ripped the door open with a snarl on his face.

The snarl vanished when he saw me on his doorstep. “Sienna?”

“I need a place to stay.” My voice was small, and wobbly.

My anger was fading too fast.

Vex opened the door wider, gesturing me inside. “Let me grab Tori.”

I nodded, and he padded down the hallway. Everything in their house was brand new; he’d finished the final renovations a few weeks earlier. It had been in terrible shape when he moved in, but he’d made the place beautiful.

Tori came out in a tank top and shorts a minute later, her cheekbone-length strawberry-blonde hair a wreck. “What happened?”

“I had sex with Bauther,” I blurted. “And I realized when I got home that we didn’t use protection. When I called Love to ask if that would be a problem, she told me to pull his blood from my freezer. She knew we were mates, and she didn’t tell me. And Madd said female werewolves are super fertile, so now I could get pregnant, and Beck lied to me, he has to know we’re mates, and?—”

Tori pulled me into her arms for a tight hug. I squeezed her back fiercely, panic and anger and sadness still coursing through me. “Breathe, Sienna.”

I took a deep breath in.

She led me to the couch and pulled me down to sit next to her. “Now, start from the beginning.”

I let out a long, staggered breath, but told her everything.

Well, not everything, everything. She didn’t need to know the details about the sex, and she didn’t ask for them.

Vex was on the other side of the couch, his arms folded and his brows drawn together when I finally finished the story.

Tori’s eyes were wide, and she ran a hand through her tousled hair. “Damn, that’s a mess.”

“I know.” My voice was miserable. “What do I do?”

“Well, you know you can always stay with us. We have a spare room with your name on it. The guys are working on a few more houses right now, but none of them are in great shape yet. I think it’ll be at least a week or two before one’s ready for anyone to attempt living in it.” Tori looked at Vex.

“At least three,” Vex said.

Which meant at least three weeks of living with a newly-mated couple who were all over each other constantly.


It was better than the alternative of going back to Love’s pack after she kept the truth from me.
