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I sucked in a breath.

Beck’s fingers pressed deeper into my hips.

She gave us a folder with more information, as well as an estimated due date, then sent us on our way.

We were both quiet on our way to the parking lot. My car was there, but I didn’t protest as he walked me to his truck and helped me into the passenger seat.

Instead of walking away when I was sitting down, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, tightly. My eyes stung as I squeezed him back, holding on for dear life.

I wasn’t upset.

I didn’t wish we’d gotten a different answer.

But… I was a little overwhelmed.

“July 10th,” he murmured into my hair.

My eyes stung more. “It’s going to be a big change.”

“It’s probably too soon to admit this, but I’m excited, Si. So fucking excited.”

I laughed, though I choked on my emotions when I did. “I’m getting there.”

Beck chuckled, his body strong and steady against mine.

He released me, taking his seat and pulling out of the parking lot. One of his hands caught mine, slipping between my fingers while he steered with the other. “I’m sorry you had to handle the stress on your own for the past few weeks, and I hope you haven’t been blaming yourself. I’m equally at fault here. I should’ve asked if you were on birth control, or used a damn condom.”

“You were excited that you found me. I was excited to have sex. Neither of us thought it through,” I admitted. “Tori and Love have been here to talk to me. I wanted to tell you… but I didn’t want to screw things up. And I kind of wanted revenge, if I’m being completely honest.”

“I deserved it. Now, can we agree that there will be no more secrets from here on out?”

“No more secrets,” I agreed.

And as we drove through the city, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

We would figure the baby thing out together.

We would figure everything out together.

Because like it or not, from there on out, we had to become a team.



We picked up lunch on the way home, and after we ate, sat down with our cards and poker chips.

Beck wrote out a new list. It was the old list, minus a few topics we’d already dealt with, plus a few new ones.

He handed it to me, and dealt the cards while I looked over it.

-Sealing the bond

-Friends’ opinions

