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“Never drinking from a bag again,” I mumbled.

He chucked, rumbling against me. “Glad we’re on the same page.”


Beck rolled over, pulling me on top of him and tugging the blanket over our bodies. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired. A nap sounds really good.”

“Then let’s nap.” He kissed my head again. “I’m never letting you go, Si. I hope you know that.”

“I’m getting there.”

His hand slid over the curve of my ass slowly.

“That feels amazing,” I murmured.

“Good. Sleep well.” He kissed my head yet again, and I fell asleep with the low rumble of his voice playing on repeat in my ears.

The sound of our doorbell ripped me out of sleep. My face stung after I yanked it off Beck’s chest, my mind disoriented from the sudden interruption.

“I’ll get it,” he said, smoothing his hand over my ass again. I got the impression he hadn’t been asleep, and his eyes were warm as they moved over my face.

It rang again when he didn’t move immediately.

“It’s probably my friends,” I said, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. “I forgot to text them after the appointment.”

“I’ll send them home.” He set me on the mattress and slipped out of bed, grabbing a pair of sweats from the dresser before he headed out.

I knew he wasn’t going to be able to get rid of them, so I rolled to my feet, stumbling to his closet. One of his shirts would cover enough skin for a conversation with Love and Tori.

Beck opened the door while I tugged it over my head, and my lips curved upward when I heard a demanding,

“Where is she?”

I pulled it into place and made my way out.

“Hey,” I called, padding up behind Beck. Luckily, I’d made it before they started threatening him.

“You were supposed to call us!” Love exclaimed.

“We’re dying here,” Tori added.

I slipped between my mate and my friends, and his arms slid around my waist.

Love’s and Tori’s eyes both followed his arms, widening before they lifted back to mine. They knew I’d been avoiding anything that would lead to any sort of physical contact with him.

“I’m pregnant,” I said.

The words sounded insane when I said them aloud.

Their eyes widened further, even though we’d all known that was pretty likely to be the case.

“Due in July,” Beck added, his arms tightening around my middle.

“Are we happy about this?” Tori asked me, her gaze meeting mine.

I nodded, not bothering to fight my small smile. “We’re happy about it.”
