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They all went down to the river to wash, and then the men put on clean shirts, and Mitchell and Paul had clean breeches as well. Ivan’s breeches had been so badly torn in the forest Claire had been unable to mend them, so he now only had the one pair, but he’d brushed them as clean as he could. Claire was wearing her good dress. Sadly, after a year being carried around in the forest, it no longer looked as nice as it once had either, but at least it was clean and with no holes or darns in it. She spent a long time combing her hair until all the tangles were unsnarled and it flowed straight and smoothly down her back.

Then they walked back to the stronghold to return the horse and ask Father Augustus to marry them.

As they entered the courtyard, Old Mary was sitting in the sunshine on a bench, waiting for them. She jumped up and hurried over to them, throwing her arms around Mitchell and hugging him before hugging Claire. “I knew you’d find her, my boy. I just knew you would. I wasn’t the least bit surprised when people said this morning you were back. And don’t you look so handsome and well. Travel suits you, it does indeed.” Mary hugged Mitchell again.

Mitchell gave her a kiss then moved gently out of her arms. “I must return the lord’s horse.”

One of the guards came over and took the reins. “I’ll take him for you. He looks just as he did when you left. The old horse has done well.”

“I never had a moment’s trouble with him. He walks steadily all day, although he’s not fast,” agreed Mitchell.

By now a crowd had gathered, all wanting to hear Mitchell’s story, welcoming Claire and Paul home, and eager to meet Ivan. Mary was walking beside Mitchell, keeping him in her sight, and Claire suddenly understood how much the old lady had missed her grandson.

“Thank you for letting him come and find me,” she whispered.

“Ah, child, he needed you. His heart was breaking. I couldn’t bear to see him so unhappy. It was best he leave. But I’m so glad he did bring you back home safely.”

Lord Rhys and Lady Elinor took Mitchell, Paul, Ivan, and Claire aside from the crowd. They explained what had happened, and their lord and lady just grinned. “My wife, you have started an unstoppable trend in three-person marriages,” said Lord Rhys.

Father Augustus was called and proceeded to marry Mitchell and Claire, with Ivan standing beside them and nodding at the appropriate places in the vows.

They all ate dinner in the great hall, and then Claire, Mitchell, and Ivan returned to Mitchell’s house alone.

“I hope Paul is searching for a suitable wife of his own,” said Claire.

“He’s a handsome man. I’m sure the eligible young women will be looking at him,” said Ivan.

They all laughed, and then Claire’s breath hitched as they went inside the house and Mitchell barred the door.

“Our first time in a real bed. And it’s my turn for her ass,” said Mitchell huskily.

Claire just nodded, carefully taking her good dress off and slipping her feet out of her shoes. She folded her shift on top of the dress, and she was ready. Her long hair flowing around her face reminded her that she hadn’t teased their bodies with it yet and had meant to do so several times.

Mitchell, naked, was looking along the storage shelves. Up and down he paced several times, until he stopped and smiled, taking a tiny vial from the top shelf. “I knew we had some oil. This will make penetration of your ass much easier,” he said.

Claire nodded. They always did their best to prepare her, but it often burned as they entered her ass. She was eager to know how an oiled cock would feel.

Ivan climbed onto the bed and lay flat on his back in the center. “Oh, it feels wonderful. So soft. Perhaps I’ll just go straight to sleep,” he teased them.

Claire looked at his cock. It was standing straight up like a good soldier. “Your cock has other plans,” she said.

Ivan hissed and tugged on it. “Come, sit on me then, and give it a home.”

Claire settled herself on the bed then crawled over his body, kneeling over his hips and letting him guide his cock to her entry. Then she gradually sank down on him, going very slowly, absorbing him just an inch at a time, until they both were hot and tense with need, sighing with bliss as he finally sank into her to the hilt.

Mitchell’s hand on her lower back reminded Claire that he was still unfulfilled, and she laid flat on Ivan while Mitchell dribbled a tiny amount of oil around her asshole. His thick fingers massaged the oil all around the entry then slid inside.

Claire loved the feeling as he worked the tissues, loosening and softening them, giving all three of them great pleasure, as Ivan’s cock inside her reacted when her body moved with Mitchell’s touch.

Ivan rested one hand on her lower back, so he could more clearly feel all the action taking place behind her. “Your cunt grips my cock tighter every time Mitchell touches those special places inside you,” he said.

“She’s almost ready. I can hardly wait,” said Mitchell, adding a few drops of oil to his cock and rubbing it in.

Then he pushed his cock at her entry, and it did slide in much easier than usual. She still felt stretched to the limit, with Ivan’s cock filling her cunt, and Mitchell’s fat cock in her ass, but as always the tissues seemed to stretch and accommodate all that flesh inside her, and although it was tight and full, somehow they all fitted in perfectly.

“I want to go really slowly. A celebration that we are truly married,” said Mitchell.

“Good plan. I hope I can hold on. Claire’s just so wonderful it’s hard not to burst as soon as I get inside her,” said Ivan.
