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“No problems.”

“Sounds fair to me.”

“Thank you both so much. You’ve got no idea how much your consent means to me.” Iain sat up and pulled them both to him, hugging them tight as a few tears of relief slipped out of the corners of his eyes. Damn if he wasn’t the luckiest man—wolf—on earth.

Chapter Five

Mermae was surprised at how fast the week until Halloween raced by. Now that she’d said the words that she was prepared to commit herself to an ongoing relationship with Kade and Iain, it was as though a burden had lifted from her shoulders and her life had accelerated into top gear. In her heart she’d known they were the right men for her, but her head had refused to let her speak it out loud until they’d lived together for a while, and she’d gotten to know them both thoroughly.

Years ago she’d decided she’d never find a person she could share her life with freely, and she wasn’t prepared to tie herself to a man who may have discarded her—or worse—when he found out the truth about her. So meeting Kade and Iain had been tremendously freeing and fulfilling. Even with her parents, she’d learned as a small child never to speak of flying. But now she was free to say what she wanted, and let her imagination run wild. The future was before the three of them like an open book with blank pages. They could write whatever they wanted on those pages. Oh yeah, sure. She wasn’t stupid. There were bound to be some difficulties ahead, possibly even nasty surprises, but that was okay. Together they’d face them and deal with them. That’s what partners did.

On her lunch breaks, Mermae googled various community colleges and online courses in basic agriculture and horticulture. She found several courses that were completely online for the start, with practical work and laboratories also done virtually for the first year, and genuine hands-on experience not required until later. That suited Mermae perfectly. She would learn as much as she could at her own pace, and then likely get a job working for an agricultural company to get the necessary experience later. A qualification wasn’t what she was after. What she really needed was enough understanding of plants to be able to do her share of the work if they did decide to buy a farm.

And how much money would that cost? Mermae was a frugal person, anticipating she’d always have to support herself, so carefully saving her salary and bonuses. But she worked at a very ordinary job, so her savings were pretty ordinary too. She knew Iain, by virtue of being over one hundred years old, had made some good investments, but even so, would they be able to get a loan to buy an even halfway decent small farm?

Then there was the issue of talking to these werewolves, Dwyer and Nelson. Iain had not been treated at all well by the werewolves he’d met in the past. Just because these two seemed okay didn’t mean they’d accept Iain, far less help the three of them. Mermae knew Kade and Iain would never try to steal Dwyer and Nelson’s clients, but the other werewolves had no reason to trust them. It was all quite complicated.

Iain wanted the three of them to go right out of the city for Halloween so they could spend as much time as they needed on the ritual. Mermae guessed this was the equivalent of getting married, so she liked that idea. They were all taking two days off work, Halloween and the next day. They’d drive out to wherever Iain had chosen, spend the day together, fuck, run—well, fly—then fuck again and bite each other. Mermae shivered with anticipation. It was an exciting thought. She was so lucky to have found these men, and now was truly the right time to join with them, even if there wouldn’t be witnesses and a piece of paper to show for it.


Iain had thought long and hard about where to go for their bonding. He’d trolled through websites looking at cottages by the beach and cabins in the hills. He’d even considered hiring camping equipment and heading to a national park. But meeting up with a grizzly bear— or worse still, another pack of wolves—would put a real damper on his wedding night and he’d waited much too long for this to happen just to have it ruined. Besides, committing on Halloween was supposed to bring a special blessing to the threesome, and he figured any blessings available for their rather unusual triad would be good to have.

Finally he’d asked Dwyer if they could use part of his property. Dwyer and Nelson had very deliberately kept a large part of their farm uncultivated, the trees not pruned and the undergrowth only cleared enough to avoid a brushfire, not enough to discourage wild animals. However their farm was completely enclosed by high, electric fencing, so there was no danger of grizzly bears, coyotes, wolves, or anything else to spoil their night, except maybe a wasp. And wasps seldom left the nest after dark.

“Hey, no problems. If you stop by the store out front, I’ll even take you to a tiny cabin Nelson and I use sometimes when we need to run. It’s deep in the uncultivated area, well away from the boundaries, and perfect for you to sleep there after your run.”

“Oh no. We can’t impose...”

“No imposition. We’re happy to help. You finding your mates is every bit as exciting as me finding Nelson. Because I was gay, I thought I was destined to be alone forever. Until I met Nelson. So we know exactly how excited you and Kade must have been to finally meet Mermae.”

“Thank you. That’s incredibly generous of you.”

“No worries. Consider it Nelson’s and my mating gift to y’all.”

Iain made sure he was the one driving, and refused to give Kade or Mermae a hint about where they were going. He really hoped they’d like the area, and the cabin, but the key issue was their safety while they ran and fucked outside, and he couldn’t think of anywhere else as safe for three people with paranormal abilities, as here.

“Come on, Iain, give me a clue. Are we camping out, staying in a hotel, or what?” asked Mermae.

Iain just grinned.

Kade said, “I don’t reckon it’s camping. We haven’t stopped to pick up a tent or anything. It could be one of those permanent campsites, I suppose, but we didn’t head toward the hills and that’s mostly where they are.”

“So likely a little cabin somewhere then. Are there any national parks around here?” asked Mermae.

“Dunno. I don’t know this area at all,” replied Kade.

They both teased him some more, but Iain wasn’t going to spoil his surprise. He did love the happy banter back and forth, though. He’d always been able to talk to Kade about anything, to tease him even, and Mermae fit right in, with a friendly outlook that enabled her to both tease and be teased without losing her composure. “Oh God, I love you both so much,” he whispered.

“Love you, too,” replied Mermae, patting his shoulder. Kade just punched his arm, but Iain didn’t need their words. Their smiles and obvious joy in all being together, ready to commit, was enough for him.

Iain pulled their truck into a gravel driveway and stopped before a high metal gate. There were nice brick pillars either side of it, and maybe a one-hundred-foot length of brick fencing eight or so feet high, then the fence became wire. And slightly higher. When he looked closely he could see the fence was electrified, but to a casual onlooker it almost disappeared into the landscape, except there were no high trees overlooking it, and no shrubs or bushes up close to it.

Iain jumped out of the truck and pressed the button on the brick pillar. A voice said, “Canterbury Gardens. How may I help you?”

“It’s Iain.”

The gate began to open, so Iain quickly climbed back into the truck and inched through the gap. A quick glance in his rear-view mirror showed the gate closing behind him, and then he had to concentrate on driving up the narrow gravel track.
