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"Wait, Tanner, listen—" I attempt once more, my wide eyes pleading for understanding.

"Later," he says curtly, tugging me gently with him.

I allow him to pull me from the restaurant. As we weave through the tables, I feel every eye on us, but most acutely, I feel Tanner—his presence enveloping me, protective and overwhelming.

It hits me then, the realization piercing through the confusion—Tanner thinks I'm on a date with Leo. He doesn't know this was just supposed to be a business meeting. A laugh bubbles up inside me, tinged with hysteria. Of all the ways I imagined Tanner might finally show he cared, causing a scene wasn't one of them.

And yet, despite the madness of the situation, part of me thrills at the possessiveness in his actions. Tanner, my brother's best friend, the former Navy SEAL with walls I've never been able to scale, is staking his claim on me in front of everyone. It's wrong, it's outrageous, but God, it's also a little bit exhilarating.

The cool night air nips at my skin as we exit the restaurant, the heated tension between us making me almost immune to the chill. The city lights blur into streaks of color as we stride down the sidewalk, Tanner's grip on my hand both a lifeline and an anchor.

"Where are we going?" My breath fogs in front of me, the question hanging there like my own personal cloud.

"Back to my place." His voice is a low rumble, a sound that seems to vibrate through me.

My heart hammers against my ribs, each beat screaming this is insane, but every fiber of my being is pulled taut with anticipation. This isn't just about escaping the prying eyes back at the restaurant. It's about us, about the unresolved tension that's been building since...well, since forever.

We don't talk as we walk, the silence thick with words unspoken. Every step feels charged, heavy with the weight of our mutual desire. I'm keenly aware of every brush of his fingers against mine, the solid warmth of him beside me. It's as if my whole body is straining towards him, a magnet drawn to its opposite pole.

We finally reach his apartment, the familiar exterior now seeming like a foreign land, promising unknown adventures. He unlocks the door and ushers me inside where the dim lighting casts shadows that dance across his chiseled features.

"Nice place," I say, though I wouldn’t give a damn if he’d taken me to a beat-up old shoe box. So long as I’m with him.

"Thanks." He closes the door behind us, and the soft click sounds like the starting gun of a race.

I can feel the energy buzzing between us, nearly tangible in the semi-darkness. There's a moment where we just stand there, drinking each other in, the air practically humming with the current that's crackling in the space narrowing between us.

His gaze locks onto mine, those deep blue eyes that always seem to see right through me, now darkened with something fierce and raw. And in that look, I see it all—the jealousy, the frustration, the thinly veiled hunger.

"God, Molly..." He steps closer, his voice a growl that sends shivers skittering down my spine.

"Tanner," I whisper, my own voice betraying the whirlwind of emotions I'm trying to contain.

Our glances are no longer fleeting—they're lingering, heavy, full of silent promises and unspoken confessions. The air is thick with the scent of possibility, and I find myself inching toward him, unable to resist the pull any longer.

We're a hair's breadth apart now, and the electricity is undeniable. Every nerve ending feels alive, every breath shared, every inch of space between us charged with the anticipation of what might happen next.

I think about how confused I’ve been the past few days. How it hurt when he stayed away from me after that day at the supermarket. I know why he did it without him even telling me. This, us, it’s complicated. He’s my brother’s best friend.

He must read it all in my eyes because he murmurs, “I’m sorry, baby. I know. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t.”

And just like that, all is forgiven. I don’t know what comes over me, but I surge forward, closing the final inch between us, and it's like striking a match, igniting the pent-up yearning that's been smoldering between Tanner and me. My hands find his shoulders, gripping hard muscle, as his arms wrap around me, pulling me into the solid wall of his chest.

"Been wanting to do this since the moment I set eyes on you," he growls against my lips before claiming them in a kiss that sears straight through to my soul. His mouth moves over mine with a possessive urgency, and I moan, lost in the raw intensity of it. It's hungry, it's fierce—it's everything I've fantasized about and more.

Tanner's hands roam down my back, branding me with his touch, pushing any last shred of restraint out of the window. Our bodies press together, leaving no secrets unexplored as clothes are shed in a feverish rush. Skin on skin, we're a tangle of limbs and whispered names, each caress dialing up the heat until we're nothing but pure sensation and need.

"Tell me you want this," he pants, eyes blazing into mine, demanding affirmation.

"God, yes," I gasp, arching against him, "I want you—all of you."

That's all it takes. He lifts me effortlessly, our mouths never parting, and carries me to the bedroom where we fall onto the bed in a cascade of limbs and lust.

“Look at you,” he praises me as his eyes sweep over my naked body. “You’re fucking perfect, Molly.”

My eyes sweep over his chiseled muscles, drinking him in. I reach out and lightly rake my fingertips over his hard chest, and I see him visibly shudder.

His cock juts out from between his thighs, and I swallow, suddenly nervous if it will fit.
