Page 26 of Triple Threat

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I STILL CAN’T believe Paige fucking ran. She just took off with no plan in place. I’m so fucking pissed at her for so many reasons. The main one being that she has no protection and we have no clue where Lucifer and her mother are. They could find her and do anything they want to her and we’d have no clue. I don’t understand how she could be so fucking stupid and not think of the possible outcomes when she was just held captive by them and saw what her fucking sister went through. Lyric suffered so much at their hands and that’s with us knowing they were taken and where they were. Now, Paige has no protection, she’s completely alone, and we have no clue what direction she’s even heading in. I want to find her and shake some damn sense into her. But, I know why she did things the way she did. Despite how many people are pissed at her right now, she knows we all would’ve talked her out of leaving and tried to figure out a different solution to her not wanting to be around any of us. One that still left her protected and close.

Another part of me wants to be selfish and make sure she stays in Cedar Bay so I can see her. I want to make sure she’s okay and that I can still watch over her. Even if it’s from a distance. It doesn’t matter to me that she won’t talk to me. There’s always time for that later. For now, I just want my eyes on her so I can see her and make sure she’s not going to do something fucking stupid. I have no doubt in my mind that if her mother contacted her and promised she’d leave Lyric alone, Paige would gladly turn herself over to Lucifer and the dumb bitch without hesitation. While she’s making horrible decisions right now, she’d still do anything she can to protect her baby sister. I’ve seen it over the last year countless times and it’s still true today. Maybe even more now because of the giant rift in their relationship.

Hell, I would’ve called Vault myself to see if she could go to their club for a while. She doesn’t know anyone there, but they would keep her safe and make sure no one got close to her. It’s not like we don’t see them on a regular basis right now considering they’re helping us search for the two twatwaffles who just recently took her and her sister. Like us, they’d rather have her safe and with them than off on her own because she’s so damn lost. Frustration and hurt fill me as I think about the shit Paige is going through and knowing it’s her own fault. It takes one conversation to let people in. Not everyone here has to know all of her secrets, but she can let a select few in her life completely and they can try to help her work through what she’s carrying around. Or should I say what she has hanging over her head like a lead weight?

Everyone can see how pissed and frustrated I am. It’s only been building up since last night when I read her letter. Venom even pulled me aside and told me Kountry is willing to get in the ring with me just so I can work some of this shit out. I don’t think that’s a good idea right now because when I’m like this, nothing will stop me. In the past, it’s taken half the guys in this club to pull me off of someone because I was so pissed. It’s a trait I get from my dad and one I’m not sure if I can control or not. I don’t want to hurt Kountry because I lose my head and can’t get the fuck out of it when we’re in the cage.

When I talked to Kountry, he assured me he knew what he was getting into and was ready to help me get this shit out so I don’t explode on the wrong person. They all know I’ve been avoiding the ol’ ladies and haven’t been around anyone for too long. Especially since my dad seems to have disappeared. I went looking for him this morning and all my mom will say is that he’ll be back. He had something to take care of and he’ll see me when he returns. To me, that means he went in search of Paige. He didn’t want anyone to know and is taking this situation into his own hands so he can try to make her see reason. I’m not sure if it’s going to work, but I hope it does.

“Chance, are you staying here today or leaving?” Zoey asks me as I enter the common room for breakfast.

“I’m headin’ out shortly after I eat. What’s up?” I ask her, accepting the hug from her and giving her one back.

“Can I come with you? I’m not heading out today after all. I’ll be here for a few days. I’d like to spend time with you guys. Hawkeye is out searching and I’m not going to bother Lyric and Kevlar when they just got married. So, I thought I’d hang out with you for the day and spend time with the others when they’re free,” she says as we take seats at a table.

“Oh, I see how it is. The other two are busy so you’re findin’ me worthy to spend time with today. Isn’t that some shit?” I tease my sister as she splutters and stammers while trying to form a response.

I can’t help but laugh at her because it’s so easy to get Zoey riled up. She’s so damn funny when she gets going. We’ve learned over the years just how far we can push her before she snaps and loses her shit. Our dad taught her well and she can lose her shit just as good as the two of us can. Well, all of us really. Hawkeye and Kevlar are just as bad as we are when they’re pushed too far. I guess that’s true of anyone though. I mean, it all depends on the true nature of a person and how bad they’re willing to fight for those they love.

“You know that’s not what I mean, Chance. I love spending time with all of you and there’s no reason for me to not spend time with you today. I know you’re not exactly up for company, but you can never stay mad around me for too long,” Zoey boasts, her voice full of laughter and happiness.

“That’s true Zoey girl. Now, why don’t you tell me how you really are. I know shit wasn’t exactly right in your world the last time I saw you. Is it still the same?” I ask my sister as my mom brings us both plates of food and cups of coffee.

“It’s still not right in my world. I love my classes and school. But, I want to have a love life and that’s just not happening. I’ve got the kids and things with Jameson are better but he’s still a douche bag. Every time I meet a guy at school, I end up comparing him to he who shall not be named. None of them compare to him and it’s pissing me off. I just want to bash his jaw and make sure he realizes he’ll never meet anyone like me and that I’m done wasting my time on an asshole. I’ve wasted so many years harboring this crush on a man who will never want me back. He fucking doesn’t deserve me. Maybe he never did,” my sister says as tears fill her eyes.

“You know, you could always move here. Maybe meet a guy who will make you forget all about the stupid fuck. You know, my offer is always available to you. I don’t care where he is or what kind of club he’s with now. I’ll still go beat his ass and won’t let him hurt you any longer. So, all you have to do is say the word and I’ll make the trip and be back before anyone knows. It’s not like I don’t have a ton of rage and shit to get out,” I tell her my voice low and deadly as I keep my eyes on my sister.

“I know you would. I’m not about to let you do that though. You’ll end up in jail and won’t be able to get your girl. It’s just a matter of time, Chance. Paige will come around and she’ll let you in. There’s no way in hell she’s gonna let someone else scoop you up,” Zoey says, a soft smile on her face. “So, where are you going today?”

“I’m headin’ to the gym. I’m gettin’ in the cage with Kountry and need to train. It’s been a while since I sparred or did any kind of trainin’. For the most part, I’ve been with Paige over the last year and now I need to dust off and get my shit together before our fight,” I answer her, not sure if she’ll still come with me knowing that’s where I’ll be.

“I’ll go with you. I can get a proper workout in. It’s been a long time for me and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through an entire workout at this point. I’ve gotten soft,” Zoey tells me, eating her own breakfast as we laugh.

“You know, I didn’t want to say anythin’. But, yeah, you’re lookin’ a little soft. Are you sure you haven’t completely forgotten all of your trainin’? Maybe we need to have Dad come in and put you through one of his workout routines. You remember what that feels like, don’t you?” I ask her, knowing our dad didn’t take it easy on any of us when he started training us.

“Shut up, Chance. Let’s eat so we can head out. I think I packed some clothes I can wear to the gym. If not, I’ll borrow some from one of the girls here,” Zoey states, drinking her coffee.

We’ve been at the gym for a few hours now. I lost track of my sister a while ago. She’s been working out on her own while keeping the guys here away from her. They act like she’s some kind of newbie who doesn’t know how to use any of the equipment and needs their help. My sister runs circles around those assholes and she’s not afraid to show them up. Our dad started training us when we were very young. Zoey was put through her paces and has learned every single thing my brothers and I have. So, she doesn’t need anyone’s help when it comes to working out. All she needs is her music, space, and the equipment to get back in shape.

I’ve been in the ring with Bull for almost two hours now. He’s not holding back and I’m thankful for that. I need to get in shape and ready for this fight with Kountry. I’m covered in sweat and sore as fuck. I should’ve been staying on top of my training and not just sitting around with Paige for the last year. No, I don’t regret it, but I’ve never taken so much time off in my life. It’s the one thing I can do to help control the rage constantly running through me. Especially when we have shit going on with the club. Or one of the ol’ ladies. From now on, I’m not about to stay away from the gym and working out.

“I’m done,” Bull finally says after I put him on his ass again.

“Thanks, man. For everythin’. I’ll be back to work in two days so you and Wicked can take some time off. I’m sorry for bein’ gone for so long. It won’t happen again,” I tell Bull as I help him off the mat.

“We know you were doin’ what you had to do. Besides, it’s not like you were never here. When Paige was at work, you’d show up and be here. Plus, we had Brick steppin’ up and he was here more often than not. We all made adjustments and were covered. If you still need time, take it,” Bull says, his voice almost a whisper.

“No, I don’t think I need any more time at all. Paige is gone and I don’t see her comin’ back. I’m gonna take a break from the ring and get a workout in. Check on Zoey and make sure she’s not ready to go back yet,” I tell Bull as I step between the ropes and jump off the mat to make my way to my sister.

I find my sister working out with our dad. I’m not sure when he got here, but he’s helping her correct her form and add a little more weight to what she’s working with. Looking down, I see why. Zoey’s taking it easy and not working with what she was the last time I saw her. Stepping up next to them, I grab my own weights and start working out next to my sister. Now, no one will step close to her. She smiles at me and I know she’s relieved to have the assholes leaving her alone. Though, if it were really a problem, she’d have just put the fuckers in their places.

“How long were you in the ring for?” my dad asks me as he continues working with Zoey.

“A while. Few hours I guess. Gonna fight Kountry in the cage in a few weeks. Need to get back in shape and ready to take him on,” I tell him, not sure if he’s aware of Kountry offering to get in the cage with me.

“Heard somethin’ about that when I got back,” he says as he comes to my side and lets Zoey do her thing.
