Page 40 of Triple Threat

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“I’m dead fuckin’ serious. I didn’t figure you two were at the house because you would’ve heard someone on the porch and checked what was goin’ on. No one’s tellin’ me a fuckin’ thing. They’ve all been at the house for over two hours now. I don’t know what the fuck to think or do. I’ve just been sittin’ here with Paige and Tara at the clubhouse. They know somethin’ big is goin’ on, but haven’t asked about it,” I tell my brother as he listens on the other end of the phone. “Now, was there a reason you’re callin’ me?”

“Shit! I totally forgot with this new information. Yeah. Lyric’s in labor. We’re at the hospital now. They’re gonna take her in for one of those um surgery things. You know, where they cut her open and take the babies out that way?” Kevlar asks me, his voice turning scared as he thinks of his wife going through surgery and his children being born.

They decided not to find out what they’re having. Lyric wanted it to be a surprise and my brother is going along with her decision. Anything to make his wife happy. Though, I can’t say that I wouldn’t do the same thing if I were in his shoes. When we get to that stage of things, I’ll go along with whatever Paige wants to do. If she doesn’t want to know what we’re having, then we won’t know. If she wants to go all out and do some kind of gender reveal like I’ve seen, then that’s what we’ll do. At the end of the day, I’ll do whatever it takes to make my girl happy and make sure she knows she’s my fucking queen.

“I’ll make the calls, Kevlar. The guys aren’t answerin’ their phones because of this shit. We’ll be there soon. Give Lyric a kiss from us and tell her that Paige is on her way,” I tell him, rushing him off the phone so he can focus on his woman and what’s going on right in front of him.

I turn to face Paige who’s standing just behind me.

“What’s going on, Chance? Is my sister okay?” she questions, wringing her hands together as she looks at me with fear filling her face.

“She’s in labor. They’re takin’ her into surgery to deliver the triplets. Kevlar didn’t say anythin’ was wrong just that they were doin’ that surgery thing. So, we need to head out. I don’t know if anyone else knows, but if I don’t tell my dad, he’s gonna fuckin’ kill me. I’m gonna call him, you and Tara get what you need and we’ll head out in a second,” I tell my girl as she nods her head and rushes back to the table to let Tara know what’s going on. They grab their purses as I call my dad.

“Son, now’s not really a good time,” he says, answering his phone as I hear all sorts of commotion in the background.

“I know. Not that I’ve been told what’s goin’ on at my own fuckin’ house,” I growl out, pissed as fuck. “Thought you’d all want to know that Lyric’s in labor. They’re takin’ her into surgery to deliver the babies now. I’m headin’ to the hospital with the girls. Don’t know where Mom or anyone else are though. The rest of you can either join us or keep doin’ what you’re doin’.”

“Chance, what we’re doin’ is for your fuckin’ girl. She doesn’t need to see what the fuck we walked in on,” my dad says, a deep sigh escaping him. “We’ll head out now. I’ll call your mom. They went shoppin’ to get some shit for the babies. Make sure Goose knows what’s goin’ on. He’s still locked in his room.”

Hanging up the phone, I rush down the hall and bang on Goose’s door. His muffled reply sounds through the door and I open it. Telling him that Lyric’s in labor, I leave him alone. He can make the decision to come with us or continue working here on his own. It’s not like he can’t bring his laptop with him to keep working at the hospital. However, I don’t give a fuck what he wants to do. I’m gonna go to the hospital and be there for my brother and sister-in-law. I’m going to make sure Paige is there for her sister. She won’t be able to be in the operating room with Kevlar and Lyric, but she can be there the second she’s allowed in the room to see Lyric. It’s going to be hell getting my girl to leave her sister’s side. It’s been the two of them for so damn long and it’s hard to break that cycle.

I rush the girls out to the truck and help them in before racing around to the driver’s side and getting in. We make our way out of the parking lot and toward the hospital. I don’t follow the speed limits and no cops are in sight. Paige is still wringing her hands together as she bites on her bottom lip. Those are her signs that she’s nervous as fuck and scared for her baby sister. Despite her not being able to control a damn thing, Paige will want to be there in case something goes wrong. She won’t rest until she knows her sister’s safe. It doesn’t take a genius to see how hard this shit is on her right now.

Tara reaches up from the back and rests her hand on Paige’s shoulder. She can see how tense my girl is and is offering her comfort the only way she knows how. Tara doesn’t remove her hand until I pull into the parking lot of the hospital. She knows as well as I do that Paige isn’t gonna wait for me to help her out of the truck. She’s going to jump out on her own and rush inside the hospital up to the labor and delivery floor. They have a surgical area up there for pregnant women and only pregnant women.

Getting out of my truck after shutting it off, Tara and I rush to keep up with Paige. I didn’t know such a short woman could move so fucking fast. But, she’s booking it as we head inside and don’t stop to talk to anyone or ask for directions. We know how to get where we’re going.

Everyone’s at the hospital. We’ve been packed in the waiting room for a few hours now. Paige hasn’t stopped pacing for a single second. Our mom showed up and has been trying to get her to calm down, but she refuses. She won’t relax until she sees her sister.

“She’s okay. Lyric is fuckin’ amazin’. She’s sleepin’ right now, but should be awake soon,” Kevlar announces, walking into the waiting room as Paige rushes to stand in front of him.

I can see my girl’s shoulders shaking as she cries in relief. Standing up, I make my way over to them as Kevlar wraps her in his arms. He’s whispering something into her ear as I stand behind her. When she pulls back, I take her into my arms and hold her close.

“Can we see the babies? What did you guys have?” Paige questions, her voice full of excitement now that she knows her sister is okay.

“We’ve got two sons and a daughter. They’re so fuckin’ tiny and the most amazin’ little ones I’ve ever seen. So fuckin’ perfect,” my brother announces proudly as the room erupts into cheers and claps. “I’m not gonna reveal their names until Lyric is awake and can be there with me. I’m gonna go back in the room for now. I don’t want her alone when she wakes up. The kids are in the NICU as a precaution if you all want to go see them. The nurses are expectin’ you. Doc knows she can talk to you about what’s goin’ on. I’ll see you all soon.”

As Kevlar makes his way back to be with Lyric, the rest of us head toward the NICU. I want to see my nephews and niece. Making my way with Paige through the halls, excitement fills me. Eventually we’ll be the ones welcoming a new member of our family and I can’t fucking wait. For now, we’re going to put our focus on the three new members we have and make sure they all feel our love.

Standing in front of the windows with Paige on one side of me and my mom on the other, three bassinets are wheeled up to the window. We all look down on the most perfect babies I’ve ever seen in my life. They’re all a little small but they aren’t attached to any wires and shit like little Bexley was.

“So fucking perfect,” Paige whispers as tears roll down her cheeks.

I wrap her in my arms and hold her close as we just watch our nephews and niece. Today started out great, turned to shit, and now it’s great again. These three little ones will never know pain or heartbreak if I can help it. I’m going to teach them everything my brother and sister-in-law don’t want them to know and make sure they know how much I love each of them. My world just expanded and I can’t wait until I get the chance to hold them in my arms.

Chapter Thirty


Two months later

EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED so much in the last two months. Becoming a surrogate is no fucking joke. To get prepared to be implanted is some of the hardest shit I’ve ever been through. Mentally and emotionally it’s taken a toll on me. Thankfully I haven’t been alone for a single second of it. Everyone in the club has been there for me and it’s helped more than anyone will ever know. However, no one’s been there for me more than Ricochet and Paige. They’ve been at my side for every single appointment, injection I’ve had to take, and for everything else going on.

Hawkeye has been there for me more than I thought he’d be. He’s been there for me in ways I didn’t think he was capable of being. Knowing we couldn’t have sex because of getting ready for this, he sat there and held me in his arms when I’ve been completely overwhelmed and crying because I want to make this happen for Paige and Ricochet so badly. He’s wiped my tears and told me how amazing I am for doing this for his brother and Paige. The man has been my rock and he doesn’t even know it. I can’t even form the words for what he means to me. And I know he’s got something to tell me, but he’s been helping me focus on what I’m doing instead of making this all about us. However, I want part of this to be about us. I want to know where his head is and what he wants from me with the sudden change in his attitude.

The other thing that’s happened with the club is Kevlar and Lyric got to bring their kids home. They didn’t have to stay in the NICU for long. Other than gaining weight, they were perfectly healthy babies. The boys didn’t need to gain as much as their daughter either. I love what they named them. The boys' names are Reid Shawn and Sebastian Jordan and they’ve named their daughter Harmony May. Those little ones are so precious and it only makes me want to have my own baby even more. I’m going to work on that as soon as I’m done doing this for Ricochet and Paige. That’s what I need to do first and then I can focus on my own family situation.

I’ve been with Hawkeye when he’s been with his nephews and niece. He’s held them, fed them, and changed them all without hesitation. Seeing him hold those little ones is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. He’s so big and strong and yet so gentle when he’s holding them. I’ve taken pictures of him holding them as he stares down at the miracles in his arms. The pure look of love shining from his eyes is a sight to see. For a man who doesn’t feel as if he can be soft and gentle when he needs to be, he shows it more often than he realizes. It’s in all the little things he does for those in his life.
