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I’d done my time in school and learned all about how the supernatural creatures mated and how they had multiple consenting partners.

I didn’t even have a steady boyfriend, nor do I want one, and she wants me to have multiple? I barely tolerated Walker as my fuck buddy and?—

“Oh, hell no!” I said, hitting the table and propelling myself from the chair. “If that’s all you have to say, I think we’re done here. If it’s a curse that comes in phases, I can handle it. It gives me time to find another Bone Witch or someone with the power to remove it.” I looked down at Thorn and motioned for him to come along. “We’re out of here.”

‘I really think we need to tell someone about this,’ Thorn butted in, blocking my path.

‘Are you serious? They would take us off Reaper status faster than you could sneeze,” I hissed.

“Our deal is still sealed, but I would listen to your tiny genesis,” Priestess Tanda called out.

“Yeah, whatever. Thanks for the help… not!” I said childishly as we headed to the front door. My boots stomped a little harder as I marched out of the back room. That was a waste of time. A curse with phases that I could cure by taking on more infuriating men in my life? Yeah right? How many dicks could cure a death curse? Let’s see… none… because more than one would fucking drive me bonkers. I would more than likely stab a dick if it was attached to a body that had a running mouth.

Almost to the door, I did a double take of the picture that said Nerezza and wondered how she handled her certifiable grandmother. I swear, if I ever met her, I’m going to ask how she did it. As soon as I opened the front door and stepped down and onto the path, I heard her last words.

“Your perfect storm has a cloud with a silver lining. It just requires you to bite the bullet.”

I looked back to snap out a question as to what she meant, but her shop was gone. The only thing there was the wooden floorboards on which her shop was once settled.

Fuck me.
