Page 124 of Tangled Innocence

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“Okay, we get it,” I reply sarcastically, knocking her finger away from me. “You have principles.”

Wren looks like she wants to take my head off. Honestly, I’m kind of hoping she tries.

Give me an excuse to bend you over my knee again, I beg silently. Give me one reason and I’ll snap, I swear.

“Where are your principles?” she fires at me. “Why didn’t you tell me that Bee was gay, that you two aren’t really in a relationship? That the wedding I’m planning is a total freaking sham?”

Her cheeks are flushed pink. In so many ways, she’s never looked more beautiful.

I keep all of that inside, though. Outwardly, my voice stays cool and level as I answer, “Because it was none of your business.”

“You made it my business when you knocked me up!” she screeches. Then her voice softens. “I deserved to know the truth, Dmitri. Do you know the kind of hell I’ve been through the last few weeks? I felt so damn guilty all the time. I couldn’t sleep. I could barely eat. I could?—”


All the indignation on her face curdles at once. The blotchiness on her cheeks gives way to a blossoming blush that says I homed in on exactly the right word. “What I meant is… Fuck, never mind.”

“Oh, no.” I advance on her, cornering her into the wall until my hips are very nearly flush with hers. “No, you don’t get to tell me not to mind. Why were you feeling guilty?”

She scowls and tries to turn her back on me. I grab her arm and keep her pinned in place. “A piece of survival advice for you: don’t ever turn your back on me.” Her jaw clenches furiously and she still refuses to meet my eyes. “Wren. Answer the question.”

Her eyes close. Her breath rattles in and out of her chest and I could almost swear she’s counting silently.

“You spanked me,” she says at last. Her voice is raspy and barely audible.


“‘And’?” she repeats as her eyes fly open and bulge. “It was entirely inappropriate! Especially because you were ‘engaged’! I felt horrible about it. I almost apologized to Bee so many times. The only reason I didn’t is because then I’d have had to explain what happened.”

My mind keeps spasming off-course. It’s saying, I bet she’s not wearing anything underneath those pajamas. It’s saying, I bet her lips would be so soft and sweet if I claimed them with my own right now. It’s saying, Maybe now is the time to find out.

“You disobeyed me. I had to punish you. Simple.”

Her cheeks are cherry red now. “Screw you. None of this has been ‘simple.’ That sure as hell wasn’t ‘simple.’ It was…”

She fades away, so I prod. “Yes?”

“Wrong.” She spits out like it’s a dirty word. “It felt like… like we were cheating on Bee.”

It’s so adorable that I almost laugh. “So you were turned on?”

“Let me go.” She closes her eyes again and wiggles like that’ll convince me to let her out of this position.

Unfortunately for her, it has the exact opposite effect.

“Not until you answer the question—and answer it honestly.”

“Fine,” she confesses. “I was turned on. But so were you! Don’t even try to deny it because I felt you—and you know what? It wasn’t the first time.”

I pull her right into the same thing she “felt” last time and her eyebrows soar up her forehead. “I wasn’t going to deny it.” Her lips part in a silent gasp, but I’m not done yet. “Bee and I have never been romantic. Ever. This arrangement is simple: we parade as a couple, but in private… we fuck who we want.”

Desire ripples across her eyes and I know for sure that we’re on the same page. Whether she likes it or not.

“Now that you know I’m not hers… tell me you’re mine.”

Wren shakes her head desperately. “You’re still her fiancé.”

I grind my erection against her and she cries out softly. “You want to say no?” I challenge. “Go right ahead. I’m not looking for forever here. I’m talking about a good fuck. But if you want more?—”
