Page 130 of Wild Child

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Nash and Ledger come in behind her, fussing over her, just like they have with me the last few months.

“Stop it.” She swats at them. “You’ve been bugging me all day. Leave me alone and go see your kid.” She waves them off.

They both frown at her but as soon as Oakley lets out a little noise, their eyes snap over to her in Chandler’s arms.

“A girl?” they ask, seeing her pink little hat.

“Daddy Nash, Daddy Ledger, Mama Aubrey, meet Oakley.”

“Oakley.” Aubrey burst into tears as Nash and Ledger come over to the bed.

“Aubs.” I laugh, tears filling my own eyes.

“I love it.” She waddles over to me. “And I love you.”

“I love you too.” She kisses me sweetly. I love all of them. I’m damn lucky. I came to Calling Wood only wanting fun, nothing serious but I ended up with so much more. So much love and joy in my life. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“She’s everything we could have asked for and more,” Ledger whispers, taking the baby from Chandler.

Ledger’s family isn’t a part of our lives, except his brother, Jamison. We cut ties for good, wanting to keep that toxicity out of our lives.

As for Jamison, let’s just say he saw the error of his ways as how fucked up his mom and dad are. He’s not as bad as I thought he was and Ledger is even starting to form a bond with him. He’s been happier and that's all that I care about. Family is a big deal to me, and I know how hard it is to cut out a toxic parent. It hurts, but having your pack by your side helps.

“We’re crazy you know.” Nash chuckles, brushing his fingers against Oakley’s chubby little cheek. “Three babies under three.”

“We are.” I laugh. “But I can’t wait.” My eyes start to water. “I love you all so much.” My voice cracks. “Thank you for picking me, for loving me.”

Dane grips my chin, making me look at him. “You have nothing to thank us for, Willow. Loving you has been the best and easiest thing any of us have ever done.”

My heart bursts.

“Mama!” Nixon’s little voice fills the room. Beth brings Nixon in and my face lights up.

“My baby!”

“My bebe!” he giggles, running over to the bed. “See, see!”

“Be careful little man.” Dane helps him up, placing him on the bed in between me and Chandler.

“Bebe,” he whispers, his eyes going wide when he sees Oakley.

“Say hi to your new little sister.” Ledger carefully holds Oakley so Nixon can see her.

“Hi, bebe,” he whispers again, smiling so wide I can’t help but cry. And then he leans forward and kisses her forehead. “Love, bebe.”

I’m full on sobbing now, and so is Aubrey, and the guys all have tears in their eyes.

This, this is what happiness is. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.
