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Chapter One

I guess I’m a kind of weird girl because I don’t know anyone else who has a crush on a concept instead of an actual person. Well, I mean, concept is kind of a weird word to use. It’s more like… Well, you know how a girl might find a soldier attractive. It’s like she has a crush on the idea of a soldier. That’s what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s a high school girl with a crush on the idea of a football player, something like that. Well, I don’t have a crush on the idea of a football player or a soldier. I have a crush on the idea of an outlaw biker.

Yeah, I know. Typical silly young girl wants a bad boy crap, right? I won’t argue with that. I mean, I’m twenty-two and that’s young. I’m certainly silly for thinking that a relationship with a criminal is a good idea, right?

Well, in my defense, my concept is a little more refined than just an outlaw biker. There’s a particular kind of outlaw biker that turns me on. This would be a member of the Midnight Avengers Motorcycle Club. The Midnight Avengers are headquartered in a picturesque little mountain town called Pinecrest Peak. It’s an absolutely lovely town. It has a very small population compared to a lot of places. The people here are part of a very tight-knit community. It has all the small-town charm anyone could ever want.

And no crime.

See, the Midnight Avengers might be criminals but the one thing they don’t tolerate is any criminal behavior in Pinecrest Peak or the surrounding areas. About all the police ever have to deal with are high school kids getting too excited in the summer and a very occasional bar fight or something. There’s no real crime here. The Avengers don’t tolerate it.

So, I guess since I grew up in Pinecrest Peak, my idea of bikers is characterized not by their outlaw status but by how the Midnight Avengers behave here in town. I guess that’s why I’m so entranced with my crush on them if that makes sense.

Anyway, since I work from home, I’ve developed a kind of routine. I wake up pretty early. The first thing that I do almost every morning is masturbate. If I don’t take the edge off, all I’ll do is fantasize about the Midnight Avengers all day long. After that, I slipped into the routine I actually designed. I start by reading for twenty minutes. I usually alternate between books I read just for fun and business books. This morning, I read a few chapters from a book on total quality management. Although that theory of business applies most effectively to management companies, I discovered some useful information that can help my business. Managing my inventory process is a big part of what I do, and so I’m excited to put some things to work.

After reading, I go over my plans for the day. That starts by going over my long-term goals and then my short-term goals. Then, I look at my tasks for the day and review them all. I make any changes that need to be made. From there, it’s time for twenty minutes of meditation. My mind races so much that what I have to do is occupy my brain by counting my breaths inward and outward. The goal is to not think of anything but just to exist in the moment.

From there, I take a shower. It’s a normal shower right up to the end when I turn the water all the way too cold so I get a freezing jolt to wake me up and get me ready for the rest of my day.

After that, I spend about a half hour dancing naked in the living room. This is really just to do something wild. I mean, I spent all my childhood never doing anything wild. Hell, I do the same with my adulthood for the most part.

Finally, I get to work. I sit down in front of my computer and get started on things. I print out an inventory list and then take it to the bedroom that serves as my warehouse. I do a quick audit to make sure everything is recorded correctly and then pull out the two quilts, four dolls, and six figurines I sold yesterday online. I spent the next hour getting those items packaged for shipping. Once they’re ready to go, I carry a few of them out to my car.

And it’s a fucking miracle I don’t drop them on my way there.

I see a biker. The Midnight Avenger is right next door. He’s pulling the for sale sign out of the front yard, the one that’s been there forever. I stare in wonder and he eventually looks up at me. My eyes grow wide at the sight of him. He’s tall. He’s muscular. He’s so damned sexy I can barely think when I look at him.

He smiles at me and I feel weak in the knees. The man is probably in his early forties, which means he probably thinks of me as nothing more than just a kid. It’s still amazing for him to smile at me.

And walk up to me.

Holy shit, he’s walking up to me. Now I stare at him and there’s plenty of terror involved in my stare! I’m not trying to be a complete idiot but it’s pretty dang hard not to be. I mean, he walks up to me and every step feels like a caress.

When he’s close, he smiles and says, “You’re Kayla, right?”

I’m shocked by that. “How do you…” Then, I giggle a little. Everyone knows everyone in Pinecrest even if we need occasional reminders. “I think your name is Drake, right?”

“That’s me, neighbor,” he says. He reaches forward and my breath catches in my throat because I think he’s going to hug me. He’s not. He’s just getting my packages from my hands. He holds them, and I blush a little as I open my trunk and he puts them away.

He goes to close my trunk and I say, “I have more inside to get.”

“I’ll help,” he says.

So, I actually have him in my house for a few minutes! You better believe my mind is going crazy for a while when he leaves. It stays crazy as I drop off my packages and get back to work. I’m not crushing on a concept anymore.

I’m crushing on Drake, and I’m crushing very, very hard.

Chapter Two

Well, having a crush on a particular Midnight Devil is a pretty damned powerful feeling. After five days of this man being my neighbor, I feel like I’m absolutely incapable of keeping my hands away from my nipples or my clit.

You think I’m exaggerating, don’t you?

I mean it! It’s like I’m suddenly a compulsive masturbator! I want Drake so badly I can barely think straight. I mean, from the moment I wake up, my nipples are hard as hell, and my pussy pulses with need. I pretty much stay that way until I go to bed.

I’m not like this usually.

I mean, I have a good head on my shoulders! I grew up in this tiny little town but I got my college degree in two years. I got it online. I actually started Junior College classes while I was still in high school. I took the GED so I could do that but still got my regular diploma. At eighteen, I had an associate degree in business. At twenty, I had a bachelor’s degree. I’m twenty-two and I have an MBA!
