Page 49 of Letters From Hell

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I wanted to speak. I wanted to tell him to go rougher, to go harder, to just make me come, but I couldn’t find the words. All I could do was whimper when he lightly caressed my cheek. And it was like he could read my mind, because the moment I wished for him to increase the speed and roughness, he did.

It was a moment filled with bliss, filled with so much passion that I never thought I deserved.

I was getting closer and closer to the edge. Micah moved his hand to my lower stomach and pressed. Suddenly, my orgasm blasted through me in waves. It was the strongest orgasm I’d ever felt, and I couldn’t control the sounds that left my mouth.

I turned my head to the side, feeling spent.

Micah was quick to grab my chin and force me to look at him.

‘‘Me,’’ he stated firmly. ‘‘Look at me while I fill you up, Bambi.’’

It was like a trance. Even if I wanted to look away, I couldn’t. Watching him as he came deeply inside of me, hearing his deep groans, feeling that last, roughest thrust inside of me, was enough for me to come undone on his cock yet again.

Both spent, we lay in silence, our heavy breathing the only sound in the room.

He was on top of me, his head buried in my chest as he tried to regain his composure. Yet, it felt like he was taking way too long to let me go. His hands were underneath me, hugging me tightly to his body, as if I’d disappear if he let me go for even a second.

Maybe, in this twisted and dark world, we were what the other needed.

It was immoral, sinful, but it was the most divine I’d felt. And I knew he felt it, too.

Our connection ran deeper than I ever could’ve imagined and that was why I felt such emptiness in my heart. How the fuck was I supposed to deal with this once our inevitable end came? There would be no one to pick up the broken pieces.

And I had no one to blame but my sick mind.



Storm looked so fucking perfect.

She’d probably object to this if she were awake, but she’d been snuggling close to me for the past hour. Every time I even so much as tried to make some distance between us, she’d snuggle closer to me. Even in her sleep, she sought me out.

For the past four days, all we did was fuck.

She passed out an hour and a half ago, and I just lay beside her, giving her the warmth she needed. All I could do was spend as much time enjoying her before our time came to an end. And that would come soon.

The snow had stopped falling, and from what I’d heard, the roads were clear enough to drive, which meant that the bodies of those motherfuckers at the gas station would be discovered.

As this was one of the closer places to it, it would be a miracle if the cops decided to skip and go straight to the resorts that weren’t too far away.

I managed to doze off to Storm’s soft breathing. For the first time in years, I got a decent amount of sleep. It felt as if I’d been asleep for days straight, but in reality, it was only a couple of hours.

And when the first ray of sunshine sneaked through the curtains, my eyes snapped open.

Slowly, I pulled my arm from beneath Storm’s hand, careful enough not to wake her up. I got dressed and cussed when I heard my phone buzz. It was barely seven in the morning, and I grimaced at the caller ID.

It was Dan.

He either completely lost his mind by calling me, using his phone number. I specifically instructed him not to contact me until I did it first, because he could get sloppy. And if he was the reason my time with Storm got cut short, he’d meet his death quicker than he wished.

The other option was far more irritating.

It meant that it was an emergency. His job was to closely monitor the police — and the FBI, since the bastards were after me, and to keep up with the news. If anything popped up, he was to call me, and it seemed like my time was up.

‘‘Speak,’’ I said as soon as I picked up the call.

Stalling wouldn’t do me any good.
