Page 47 of Gold Horizons

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“Thank you, but next time, just pick them. Okay?”

“Okay,” she says, and then glances down at my hand, more like she’s surprised that I’m touching her instead of being repulsed that I am, and then back to my face. “Thanks.”

I drop her arm. “Speaking of Cole, he and I had a very interesting chat just before I came over here.”

Her eyes widen as she interprets my tone, and she whips around to put her back to me.

“Oh yeah. About what?” she asks, all innocently, scurrying away from me and into the house.

“You know what,” I say as I follow her, allowing myself to finally take her in completely. She’s wearing tiny athletic shorts that appear much shorter on her long legs and hug her ass perfectly, a matching tank top, and an apron around her waist. Images of how my hands could perfectly squeeze her fill my mind until I hear her snicker.

“You think you’re so funny,” I all but snarl.

At this, she turns back to me, and her face is lit up like she just won the lottery. “Oh, I totally do.”

She proceeds to walk directly into my personal space and run her foot down my shin and up the back of my calf while biting her bottom lip.

“Do you like that?” she teases in a seductive voice, and unfortunately, I do. I like it very much, and another part of me likes what it sees and is curious as to how it would feel. I’ve never given much thought to feet, but I’m thinking I could make it work if she was down for it.

My hands grab her. I pull her close and bend down so my lips fall just next to her ear. Her foot hooks behind my leg, and even through the burnt-tainted air, the lemony and vanilla scent from her shampoo tickles my nose.

“Goldie, cancel the account.” My voice is rough as having her wrapped around me and being this near to her is dizzying.

Her hands move to my hips, and she pulls me a little closer. “And if I don’t?”

I pull back a little to stare down into her face. “Don’t forget, two are playing this game.”

“Two, huh? As far as I can tell, you’re behind.” Her eyes sparkle.

“Am I, though?” I tuck a loose piece of her hair behind her ear and run my thumb down the length of her neck. She’s so close, she smells so good, and the relief that I have knowing nothing happened to her almost has me closing the distance between us to kiss her. But instead, I watch as confusion and desire sweeps over her face, and an evil smirk tips my lips.

“I don’t lose. Ever.”

“Neither do I,” she says, her eyes dropping to my lips.

The moment between us stalls, charges, and the air becomes heavy. If I tried to kiss her, would she let me? Would she part her lips and allow me to sink into her mouth to taste what I’ve been fantasizing about since the night we met? I know I shouldn’t, but damn if I don’t want to.

“I guess we’ll see,” I say, severing the thoughts in my head.

“I guess we will,” she challenges, her cheeks flushing pink as her eyes again find mine.

“You sure you’re still good to go with me this weekend?”

“Of course. You don’t need to worry. I was born and raised for these scenarios.” She squeezes my waist one more time, glances again at my lips almost like she’s disappointed, and then drops her foot and steps back.

It’s the right thing to do. We both know it.

“Do I need to be concerned?” I raise one brow at her.

“Of course not.” She smiles. “Greedy, pretentious social climbers, you’re speaking my language. I can one-up anyone in the room, including your brother.”

“I don’t know if we need to one-up him, but considering that he’s marrying Adele, it might be fun,” I say, considering what she’s said. I love how she’s game to be whatever I need her to be. Surprisingly, I’m not worried at all about bringing her and it seeming not real. She has this way about her that sucks you in, not pushes you away. I know as she charms the room, it will be enough to drive Jaxon crazy.

“Always wants what he can’t have, right?”

“Pretty much.”

“Then we’ve got this.”
