Page 60 of Hearts A'Blaze

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I’m already hard, but the sensation of her hands in my hair and her tongue in my mouth drives me to a higher level of need. “I hope quick and dirty is okay with you,” I whisper, “because I don’t think I’m going to last long.”

“Quick and dirty works.” She smiles cheekily. “Just not too quick.”

“Don’t worry. I didn’t bring a condom, though.”

She pulls one out of her pocket with a smug look.

“You were optimistic,” I observe.

“I was very optimistic.” She takes my hand and slides it up her skirt, and I almost embarrass myself when I realize she’s not wearing underwear. Swearing under my breath, I roll us over so that she’s on top.

“This is the only way I’m going to last even a few minutes,” I tell her.

She shrugs lightly as she looks down at me. “I can work with this.”

I know she can because she’s done it before. Her on top where I can see her, where I can watch the way her pupils dilate, the way the skin across her throat flushes, the expression of sheer unadulterated pleasure on her face—maybe I do have a favorite position after all.

Still straddling me, she undoes my shorts and slides them down just enough for her to release my cock. Then, with a wink, she tears open the condom package, quickly sheathes me, and slides herself down onto me with exquisite, torturous slowness. I bite back another curse word. She slides herself up again, so, so slowly.

“I thought you wanted it quick and dirty,” I pant. “Drag this on too long, and we’re going to get caught.”

She bites her lip lasciviously. “I think torturing you a little is worth the risk.” Again, she lowers herself onto me with agonizing slowness.

I won’t last long doing it any other way, but I might go insane if she keeps this up. Plus the longer this takes, the more likely we are to end up as a headline in the paper, and not for the right reasons.

I chuckle. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that.”

She raises her eyebrows in challenge. “Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?”

In response, I flip us over so that I’m on top again, then I pull out, ignoring her pout. “Roll over,” I order.

The pout turns to a grin, and she quickly obeys. I lift up her skirt, relishing the sight of her bare ass. I could spend hours just touching her, stroking her, but we’re here for quick and dirty. “Raise your hips.”

She props herself up on her elbows and tilts her ass upward, and I sink into her. I give her a moment to adjust to my size then I begin to thrust hard and fast. Beneath me, she gasps and mews and makes pleading whispers like more and please. I’m only too happy to obey.

There’s something so primal about screwing each other in the woods, covered in pine needles, our clothes not even off, that I forget to worry about the consequences of getting caught. I forget everything except the silky tightness of her, the desperate little noises she makes, the way my fingers sink into the flesh of her hips.

“Hurry,” I grunt between thrusts. “Can’t—last.”

She tilts herself at a new angle, and I feel her muscles tighten as her gasps come faster. “So close,” she pants. She reaches around to grab one of my hands and presses it to the center of her pleasure. I get the message. With more energy than finesse, I begin to rub like my life depends on it. “Don’t stop!” she orders, her voice higher pitched than usual.

Finally, she reaches her release with a long, drawn-out moan. It takes me less than no time to follow suit, tightening and spilling into her and collapsing with her onto the ground, our clothes askew, covered in pine needles and a little dirt, and gasping for breath.

That was incredible.

“You know what?” Blaze murmurs into my shoulder. “I think I like hiking.”



The July town council meeting is standing room only. The town hall’s AC is decades newer than the library’s, but it still struggles to keep up with the press of warm bodies. Fortunately, Jeremy and I get there early enough to snag seats next to each other close to the front in a deliberate show of solidarity. Several seats away from us, Scarlett crosses her long legs and looks supremely unconcerned.

Which concerns me.

Having given our presentations at the last meeting, Jeremy, Scarlett, and I are supposed to sit back and let the public have its say. Given what we now know about VivaVentis, this seems unfair, but between the Mayor’s op-ed and Lucky’s strategic social media posts, people are pretty well-informed. Now, seemingly everyone in town has shown up to express an opinion about a building that almost no one paid any attention to up until a few weeks ago.The majority of comments from townspeople lean toward keeping the Addison for either the fire station or the library—but it’s not as much of a majority as I’d like.

On the plus side, Nikko is there and uses every ounce of his celebrity charisma to remind the audience that local businesses support other local businesses, like the small farmers his restaurant buys from, and keep more money in the town than a corporate franchise will.
