Page 69 of Hearts A'Blaze

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“One more thing…” I guess if he’s meeting me in the middle, I can do the same. “Assuming we make it out of here alive, would you be my date to Bailey’s wedding?”

He arches an eyebrow. “Blaze Wilder, are you asking me on a date?”

“If you call getting dressed up and escorting me to the wedding of one of my best friends a date, then… yeah, I guess I am.”

His handsome face breaks into a grin. “I’d be honored.”


“Yeah. I would love that,” he replies. “And we are definitely going to make it out alive, so no take-backs.”

I laugh softly into his chest, a natural laugh, not a hysterical one. “No take-backs, I promise.”

Jeremy seals the promise by pulling me around and giving me a long, lingering kiss, so sweet and tender and sexy that I actually forget for a moment that we’re stuck between floors.

Until we’re interrupted by a yell from Mikey. “You two decent? Time to get you outta there!”



“Are you sure? It could backfire.” Today, Gigi’s glasses are neon green with blue stripes. She looks through them owlishly at me from the doorway of my office.

It’s been three days since the Great Elevator Escapade. I took the rest of the day off after a fairly dramatic rescue that involved the firefighters accessing the elevator from the third-floor storage area and having me and the chief get into harnesses and rappel (or, in my case, get pulled) up. Between my size, my silk dress, and my utter lack of physical coordination, I can’t say it was a dignified procedure, but it was worth it to be out and safe again.

Now the elevator is completely off-limits with caution tape crisscrossed over all the doors. Parents with small children now have to leave their strollers at the foot of the stairs before heading to the second floor, and there’s no telling when we’ll be able to retrieve the books that were supposed to be re-shelved.

A reporter from The Ridge, Welkins Ridge’s local paper got wind of the whole thing and asked if she could interview me this afternoon.

“I know it’s a risk,” I agree. “But I talked to Lucky about it, and she thinks it’s worth it. Worst case scenario, the firefighters are the heroes—which, fair enough, they kind of are—and it’ll throw public opinion their way. But best case scenario, it will help people realize how badly the library needs funding. Either way, though, it’ll take attention off Scarlett and her spa, and that’s the important part.”

“So my enemy’s enemy is my friend—or more than a friend, as the case may be.” Gigi arches an eyebrow as she takes a sip of the mocha I brought her.

Heat steals across my face. I wasn’t keeping my relationship with Jeremy a secret, exactly, but I wasn’t shouting it to everyone at work, either. But apparently, Mikey had some choice words about Jeremy’s decision to jump into the elevator with me, and Gigi, smart cookie that she is, put it all together with alarming accuracy.

“Yes, fine, the Chief and I are involved,” I admit.

“Not that I blame you. He’s a total himbo, but are you sure that’s wise?” Gigi asks.

“Himbo? I am banning you from talking to your granddaughters.”

“When I told you to quit wasting your youth, I wasn’t necessarily thinking you should get involved with someone you’re in a professional rivalry with, Blaze. If Scarlett doesn’t get the Addison, one of you is going to be disappointed, and that could take its toll on your relationship. Especially if you’re still thinking about taking a different job.”

“We’re adults and professionals. We’ll deal with it.” I sound more assured than I feel. “And we both agree that either one of us would be a better choice for the Addison than Scarlett.”

Maybe there’s more venom in my tone than I intend when I say Scarlett’s name because Gigi steps all the way into the office and helps herself to a seat.

“Try to have a little compassion for Scarlett,” she suggests. “She wasn’t a happy girl, and I’m willing to bet she isn’t a happy adult.”

“Compassion!” I scoff. “What does she have to be unhappy about? She’s beautiful, she’s popular, and I’ll admit it, she’s not dumb. But she was a bully then, and a bitch now.”

“She’s beautiful and smart, but popular was back in high school. I don’t think she has a lot of friends left around here, except maybe Gladys.”

I shudder. Gladys was Scarlett’s sidekick sycophant in high school. She owns a local consignment shop downtown now and hasn’t changed.

“And honestly,” Gigi continues, “I’m not sure those two were ever real friends.” She pauses. “Don’t you think it’s a little odd that she’s been here all summer on her own?”

“Well, her husband’s back in California running some multi-million-dollar start-up, and she’s not on her own. She’s cozying up to George Shumaker trying to swing the council decision in her favor.”
