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"Watch what?" I shouted angrily, trying in vain to resist the shackles that were put on me. Forged by the God of Fire and therefore unconquerable even for us immortals.

The Prince of Light went to my Haye, who stared at him defiantly. She had also been put in chains, and she stood before this monster wearing only her night robe.

He placed a finger under her chin.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his words filled with anticipation.

"Yes," she replied without being intimidated.

Michael laughed and nudged her head to the side. "We'll break you all right. Maybe not today, but everyone breaks eventually."

"Never!" she hurled at him.

"We shall see, Dark Goddess. We shall see."

With a wave of his hand, we were led away towards the village where my friends who had joined me at the time had found their own happiness. Angels who had defied Michael and went their own way.

I could smell it from a distance before I even saw it. Fire, flames, burnt flesh.

What was happening here? My heart was beating hard, and I didn't really want to know, because the premonition was already cruel enough.

But the first desperate cries that wafted towards us confirmed my assumptions. I knew all of them who lived here. They had become my family, and our immortality didn't matter. We were a community in which everyone had the same tasks, duties and deeds to fulfill. Just as everyone was equally valued, loved, and accepted into the covenant.

Even from here, I could see what was happening in the village square. Grief, anger, pain, and despair would be our burdens today. The people had been herded together in a ring of fire, and the immortals outside this ring had to watch as those they loved were executed most cruelly.

It was unbearable to watch, and tears ran down my cheeks more and more with every stifled scream that meant one more death.

When we finally got there, they were all dead, and my friends, overwhelmed with grief, were devastated.

Michael went from one to the other like a fluffed-up peacock, laughing. Then he tied me to a pole.

"Let's see if you can scream as beautifully as the human scum you've been messing with," he said to my Haye, who was still meeting him with inescapable strength.

Before I could even react, the monster had a torch in its hand and set fire to the dress of my great love.

"No! No!" I screamed in panic and tried to tear myself away. I had to save her, free her. Nausea rose up inside me, and tears streamed down my face. This couldn't be reality.

"No! Don't! Take me! Take me!"

My eyes fell on Michael, who was satisfied watching the flickering flames rising from my Haye. Then he looked at me with a smiling grimace.

"Take me instead of her," I begged. This powerlessness drove me crazy, and the pain of not being able to help her dug deep into my flesh. My heart.

"I think this punishment is more appropriate for you. Having to watch helplessly, not being able to save her. How does it feel?"

"No! Leave her alone!" I screamed, and once again, I tried to free myself from the restraints. By now, my whole body was trembling.

"I love you," I heard her tender voice in my thoughts. My gaze slid to her. To her beautiful green eyes, which seemed to shine even brighter between the reddish flames. The sight of her tore my heart apart. The pain was now unbearable. It would tear me apart.

Michael stood behind me and giggled as I felt his gaze on me.

"We will always find you. And I will punish you straight away every time. She will burn, and you will watch powerlessly. Again and again. Until I finally break her," he whispered in my ear like a venomous snake.

I couldn't let that happen, and I couldn't do that to her. My love for her was infinite, and a life without her was unthinkable, but no matter what it cost me, I had to protect her.

"I will always love you too. To infinity," I breathed back in my thoughts and sent her all my love. My heart was hers forever.

Even though the flames were already eating her flesh, she made no sound. No whimpering, moaning, or screaming. I knew I had to be quick to spare her any suffering.
