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I was amazed because we didn't enter a ballroom-like room, but a comfortably furnished dining kitchen with pans, pots, knives, and soup ladles hanging on the walls. In the middle of the room, which was small compared to the entrance hall, was a rutted, ancient wooden table at which Tanael, Zuri, and Hecate were already seated, engrossed in conversation. Stephan was standing at a coal-fired black oven with several doors and plates. He routinely handled eggs, bacon, and pancakes at the same time. It smelled heavenly.

Aza headed for two free chairs and sat beside the Goddess of Magic. She looked at me invitingly. Perplexed by this normality of the breakfast situation, I stood motionless next to the kitchen door and stared at this unusual group of human-looking beings.

Sitting next to Tanael Baldur, Zuri was the first to spot me.

"Myrina, good morning!" her soft voice broke through the noise in the small room. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling now?" She gazed at me worriedly before smiling warmly at me.

Unsettled by this breathtakingly beautiful woman, I cleared my throat.

"Good morning," I croaked. "Thank you, I'm feeling much better already."

Tanael lifted his eyes from his plate, but I deliberately avoided them. Nevertheless, I had caught the liquid gold staring at me longingly.

"Why don't you sit with me," his wife asked me, pointing to the empty chair beside her. I looked apologetically at Aza, who just nodded in encouragement.

So, I slid onto the seat, and before I was fully seated, Stephan wordlessly placed a plate of fruit, eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of me.

"You need to eat well so you can get back on your feet quickly," he murmured. Before I could thank him for his words, he was already back at the stove.

We were no longer in New York; he was no longer our butler, and this new situation made me smile.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed." I turned to Zuri. "Of course, I don't want to steal your bedroom any longer and would be happy to have a guest room."

Zuri looked at me with amusement and giggled.

"Well, you're absolutely not stealing my bedroom or bed. You'll have to turn to Lucifer, but he's already comfortable in another room."

"Mmh," grumbled the god next to her approvingly. He had clearly overheard our conversation. "Myrina can stay in the room."

As if I wanted to accept something from him.

"I don't want to burden you and would be happy to take a guest room," I said emphatically.

Zuri was about to reply when Tanael glared at me defiantly. "You may continue to sleep there."

I wasn't going to let him get me down that easily. I didn't want his damn bedroom, even though it was gorgeous with the great view and the exquisite bathroom and his scent... Pull yourself together, Myrina!

"I'm afraid I can't accept the generous offer," I growled, noticing how quiet the room had become.

"You bet you can. You stay in that room. And that's that." He flared up and glared at me.

"Aza, I'm sleeping at your place tonight," I said confidently, gazing pleadingly at my girlfriend. It wasn't fair of me to drag her into this, but I would never let this man dictate where I slept.

Aza looked from me to Tanael, slightly overwhelmed, swallowed hard, and nodded briefly.

I smiled sweetly at the God of the First Light.

"It's already sorted. I've found a place to sleep, so you've got your room back."

Tanael bared his teeth, and a brutal grin jumped out at me.

"Then the bed will stay empty until you decide otherwise." He triumphantly withstood my angry gaze.

Panting, I speared my fork into a piece of bacon.

"You can wait a long time," I hissed, shoving the meat into my mouth.

A laugh echoed through the room, and everyone's eyes slid in surprise at Hecate, who was looking at me with amusement. Her silver irises, usually as cold as a sword's iron, glistened like the surface of a forest lake in the summer sun.
