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The angel raised his head in confusion.

"And I want to meet my father and my brothers," I added hastily to complete my request.

"No problem," replied the man at the desk calmly and somehow absently. "A meeting with the Amazons has already been organized for tomorrow."

"Where? Here or in the human world?"

"Neither of them. We have an appointment with them in the magical world. In Brysalia," Tanael informed me without batting an eyelid.

A magical world? Brysalia? I was already dizzy at the thought that by tomorrow, I would have been in three worlds within just a few days: the world of humans, the underworld, and then this Brysalia.

If someone had predicted this to me less than a week ago, I would have declared them crazy and laughed.

But now I knew better and would be eternally grateful to Hecate for her potion. Without it, I would have gone mad by now.

"The magical world, then," I muttered, trying to remain calm.

"Don't worry, it can't get any worse than the realm of the dead," said Tanael with a wry grin I would have liked to wipe off his face.

"Hahaha," I said, trying to distract myself with a sarcastic undertone from the tingling sensation that had been spreading through my body since I entered the room.

I furtively glanced at the document Tanael was studying and opened my eyes in amazement.

"Is this about the Holy Grail?" I exclaimed in surprise, circling the table and leaning forward on the tabletop next to the angel.

On the sheet, which, on closer inspection, was a papyrus, there were all kinds of unfamiliar characters—absolutely illegible. How had I thought these symbols or letters could have anything to do with the Grail?

"Exactly. This Aramaic text is about the last known whereabouts of the Grail," Tanael confirmed to my surprise.

"So, Chris was right, and the Grail is also a clue to unraveling the mystery surrounding the Brotherhood?" I interjected, puzzled. My brother had always been an ace at solving puzzles.

"The Grail itself and the writings that were hidden with it—writings that tell of a time before the Bible, that tell of man's creation and further development."

Tanael gently stroked the old papyrus like a treasure.

"Can you read that?" I asked, pointing to the unfamiliar characters.

"Yes, of course." He looked at me, and his gaze became serious. "Myrina, I speak every language in the world; I was there when they were created."

The lump that formed in my throat at his words was hard to swallow and almost got stuck in my throat. I always forgot who he really was, how old he must be, and how much power he possessed.

A person with a clear mind would feel fear in his presence, but not me. I had absolutely no fear of Tanael Lucifer Baldur, but that fact alone frightened me.

"What does it say?" I tried to distract him from me and force him to look at the sheet in front of him again instead of at me.

And that's precisely what he did.

"This document describes the place where the hiding place was once located. A sacred place that was destroyed and rebuilt. A place with an underground tunnel system." He stared thoughtfully at the ancient paper.

"Something as old as the Tower of Babel?" I asked, annoyed at my cheeky mouth. He looked at me again, and the gold in his eyes seemed to be becoming more and more like my downfall. I hastily moved a little away from him.

"Yes, like that tower. But then a place that is not lost. It must continue to exist to this day. A tower can be destroyed, which happened to the one in Babel. And let's not forget the tunnels."

He turned to the writing again. "It must be an indestructible place that can still be accessed thousands of years later," he whispered, lost in thought.

I also bent over the papyrus again, although I only discovered signs I didn't recognize.

"A holy place, you say?" I asked Tanael without looking up.
