Page 31 of Manticore Madness

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Okay, maybe not. But it felt like it.

He lined us up again, and I tried my best to hold still this time. But that was nearly impossible to do, and I wiggled my hips, encouraging him. His tongue was amazingly talented, but I needed more. I needed his thick cock filling me now.

It had looked so perfect and delicious in the moonlight. It was girthy, with a wide mushroom head, and a long, slightly upward-curving shaft.

Mateo finally lined us up, and even though I was already sopping wet, I cried out when he thrust into me. Trapped beneath his massive body, my hands tied, there was nowhere for me to go. He pressed in deep, filling me to the brim.

Oh god!

I felt fuller than I’d ever been, stretched so wide it almost hurt. But the pleasure was stronger, and I was a greedy girl.

He moved slowly, letting me get used to him. I took him deeper with every thrust until he was almost completely seated inside me, something that I had thought would be impossible at first.

He started up in a merciless rhythm, as if his control had shattered and he could no longer ignore the need to consume me whole. His cock fit so tightly that he had to fight to move. Needing something, anything, to hold on to, I grabbed the only thing I could reach: the bar on the headboard. The bed creaked despite being made of heavy, solid wood.

Mateo’s wings were spread over us like a dark, leathery tent, and they moved as he thrust. Fucking was a full-body activity for him.

He hammered into me, ramming me until there was nothing left in my world but the two of us. I couldn’t tell where he ended, and I began.

“Fuck! You feel so good,” he said through gritted teeth.

He changed his angle slightly, and hit something inside me that had pleasure spiking through my body. He thrust again and again, rutting into me until I was reduced to a sobbing mess. Wetness dribbled down my thigh and onto his satin sheets as he fucked me.

He brought me to the very edge of the tallest cliff and held me dangling over the precipice. And then all it took was his finger, sliding between our heaving, sweaty bodies to press on my clit, to push me over. I screamed as I fell, my entire body short circuiting with pleasure. My channel clenched around him, pulling him over the edge with me.

Jets of his come bathed my insides. It was hot. Almost too hot. I panicked for a moment, wondering if I was being burnt by magical come. Did manticores have fire of any kind? I couldn’t remember. But there was nothing to do now but go with it as he pumped enough into me to fill an ocean. I wasn’t being burned, in fact, just warmed thoroughly. The heat spread through my body, infusing me head to toe with his essence as I continued to fall over into the abyss.

I landed in the protective cocoon of his arms, staring up at his handsome face and the glow in his golden eyes. Everything felt right. Felt perfect. Felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. His wings were draped around us like a blanket.

When I shifted to separate us, he stopped me. “Not yet. Let’s cuddle.”

I wasn’t going to question a good thing, but the way he said it, like he was worried about something, had me narrowing my eyes.

“What are you not telling me?”

“Nothing.” He held onto me, still not letting me move.

Since my hands were still tied, and he had me trapped under the weight of his hips, I just shrugged. Enforced cuddling was a new one for me, but I didn’t mind.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of our breathing. But his reaction still bothered me, and I kept thinking about it. Then I gasped in realization.

“You have spines! Like a cat!” The spines on a cat’s penis were supposed to trigger ovulation. But I was not a cat, and I was on the pill.

He hung his head, looking almost embarrassed. “Not quite. They are not as sharp, more like dull protrusions that lift away from my skin when I come. But it will be…uncomfortable…if I pull out too soon. They will flatten in a few minutes.”

“Mandatory cuddling. You’re going to spoil me.” I’d noticed how he’d almost looked ashamed of it, and I wanted him to know I didn’t mind, as long as it didn’t hurt me.

He relaxed visibly. He released me from the cuffs and rubbed his hands gently over my wrists. Even with the pillowcase and my nightie between my wrists and the metal, my skin was a little raw. But that was my fault. I’d been pulling hard on them as I shrieked and screamed like a banshee. I was glad there was plenty of space between him and his neighbors. If we’d been back at my place with my flimsy walls, the entire neighborhood would be awake. Volume control when fucking was something I did not have.

My arms freed, we continued our post-coital cuddle.

When he finally pulled out of me, warmth gushed out, soiling the sheets.

“We made a big mess,” I said, yawning. I’d almost fallen asleep.

“Stay right here. I’ll be back.”

He moved away, and I pouted at the loss. He returned with a damp, warm towel to clean me up.
