Page 21 of Satyr's Mate

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“I, um, I’m here for Ivy,” I said.

At the same time, Ivy said, “Sorry, Ella, this satyr is taken. You’re going to have to find another one to replenish your sex magic.”

The other woman laughed as she took Ivy’s place behind the front desk.

Ivy grabbed her duffel bag, already packed for our weekend, and I took it from her and handed her the lightweight box of cupcakes instead.

“Ooh, you brought cupcakes too?”

“Key lime,” I said. “They didn’t have lemon today, sorry.”

“Have fun, Ivy.” The woman threw one more smoldering look at me then said to Ivy, “Tell me all about it on Monday.”

“Sorry, I don’t kiss and tell,” was Ivy’s reply.

We were at the library’s front door when a man with a mustache and a scar stood in our way, blocking us. I tried to move us out of his way, but he blocked us again.

“Well, well. Both of you at once. My luck must be turning.”

“Excuse me, do we know you?” I asked.

“You ruined my plans, satyr,” the man hissed.

At second glance, he did look kind of familiar, though I couldn’t place him.

“You were one of the servers at the gala!” Ivy exclaimed.

Right! That was where I’d seen him before. “You bumped into us before the spell went off.”

“I paid a fortune for that spell. And it was wasted on you two. You do look like Iris, I have to say. You had me fooled.”

Shit. The spell really had been for Ivy’s sister.

“Can you believe the damn witch told me there were no refunds! But she said she’d give me a discount on crafting me a new spell if I could recover the unused magic from this one.”

It was only now that I noticed he’d been holding his hands behind his back.

“Watch out.” I stepped in front of Ivy protectively just as the man hurled something to the ground.

The world spun as magic swirled around us. The only thing I could focus on was putting my arms around Ivy and keeping her safe.

“Over there!” a female voice shouted. “Get that guy.”

There was chaos all around us.

“Ivy?” I recognized the other librarian’s voice…Ella, was it? “Ivy? Talk to me! Shit. She’s passed out.”

I looked down at my mate, and Ivy’s beautiful face was the last thing I saw before darkness took over for me as well.


I woke to white walls and the instantly recognizable smell of hospital antiseptic. I pushed myself up off the bed, wobbled a few steps as I got my footing, and went out into the hallway before realizing I was in a ridiculous open-back hospital gown.

And nothing else.

A no-nonsense nurse approached me, frowning. “Oh, you’re awake. The police are here, and they want to talk to you.”

She tried not to gawk at my horns and my goat legs too much. I guess they put her off. Working at Darlington Hospital, you’d think she’d be used to seeing all kinds. She must be new.
