Page 24 of Satyr's Mate

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“Perfect. That matches the description we had of him already. We took the liberty of scanning the surrounding cameras in the area since the one at the library didn’t get a good picture of him.” Cooley handed me a tablet with a few images on it.“Any of these faces look familiar?”

My eyes immediately went to the second image from the top. It was easy to recognize the scar and the mustache. “Him.” I pointed to the photo.

Iris leaned over me and gasped. “Hey, I know him! That’s the psycho that wouldn’t leave me alone. He was one of my first clients. I had to end the work relationship because he weirded me out so much, you remember?”

“That’s Keith?”

Iris had told me all about him, but I’d never seen a photo. The guy had cyberstalked her and left creepy comments on all her profiles.

“Yeah, that’s him. He runs a catering company, so it makes total sense he’d have been there as a server. I blocked him from all my socials, and I hadn’t seen him make any new accounts for a while, so I totally forgot about him.”

“He did say that the original spell was for you.”

“Aww, shit, sis. I’m sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t asked you to go to the gala, none of this would have happened.”

“It's okay. You didn’t know.”

Officer Hayes turned to my sister. “Do you have any records of this guy doing anything else inappropriate?”

“Just the social media comments, and those are inappropriate enough.” Iris grimaced at the memory.

The two cops exchanged worried looks.

“Does this guy know where you live?” Hayes asked.

“I don’t know. I never told him, that’s for sure, and I’ve never seen him around my place, but…”

Officer Cooley nodded. “We’ll get a cruiser in your neighborhood tonight to watch for suspicious activity just in case. It might be safer for you not to be alone until we get someone in place.”

“I can stay with her,” I offered. “I planned on going over anyway. I’ll just stay over.”

I really didn’t want to be alone right now. Besides, I already had a bag packed. I’d just have extra pretty undergarments for our girls’ weekend.

“Thanks, Ivy.”

“Great.” Cooley handed me her card. “Call us if you remember anything else.”

The two officers left, and the nurse came to discharge me from the hospital.

“Liquor store first?” Iris asked as we got into her car.

“Hell yes. I’m going to need a lot of wine.”

Chapter 16


I’d gone home to check my tablet for the location of my phone, only to have it tell me that it was at the hospital. Ugh.

I was antsy the whole drive back there. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking… What if Ivy wasn’t interested in me anymore, now that she was no longer under the influence of the love spell? Just because the removal of the love spell hadn’t affected how I feltdidn’t mean it hadn’t changed things for her. What if she didn’t want a satyr anymore?

If I’d been admitted to the hospital alone, I could understand why they wouldn’t let her into my room; I mean, she wasn’t my wife or anything…yet. But still, wouldn’t she have waited for me? What if she’d been trying to call me, and I’d wasted all this time driving back and forth?

Once inside the hospital, I checked my tablet once more and started walking in the direction of my phone.

“Sir, you can’t go in there. That’s staff only.”

I frowned and whipped around to face the security guard, frustration at my situation making meless than friendly.
