Page 6 of Satyr's Mate

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I nodded.

“Me too.”

His thick, brawny arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. His body heat penetrated right through my dress. The slit of my skirt rode up and gaped open, but I didn’t feel the cool air on my skin. I felt the fur from his leg. I was suddenly hyper aware that we were alone and very, very close together—so close that I was basically straddling one of his thick, muscular thighs.

Every touch of his hand on my skin had me wanting more. I slid my hands under his jacket and smoothed my palm over his silky shirt, feeling the hard planes of muscle underneath. I wished we were truly alone so I could explore him from head to toe.

Shane trailed his fingers up my back and neck to tangle in my hair and tilt my head up to his face. His other hand squeezed my ass possessively, pulling me close, making his legs nudge up against the V of my thighs. White-hot need coursed through me, and I was instantly out of my mind with desire.

His touch was setting me on fire and I didn't want him ever to let go, even if it meant we burned down the entire museum.

“A building full of treasures, and here I have the most valuable one in my arms.”

If his touch made me burn, then his words had me melting.

He bent his head down. And because it felt so right, I got up on my tiptoes, eager to meet his lips with mine.

Chapter 4


I couldn’t help the little growl of victory as Iris’s sweet lips met mine. I’d been wanting to do this since our little moment on the balcony. The urge had only intensified after the incident on the dance floor.

Whatever that spell was, it had knocked the wind right out of me, and for a brief moment, I’d thought I was going to die, gasping for air, finding none, and suffocating. But that feeling had vanished the moment I looked up and saw her face. It was like looking into the eyes of an angel. She was the most beautiful creature on this green Earth. Not even a score of nymphs combined could match her perfection.

It was like I’d been waiting for her my entire existence, and now that she was here, I could finally start living. I knew right then and there that I had to possess her and make her mine before the night was over. Then, I’d cherish her forever.

I had already found it difficult to pay attention to anyone else but her from the moment I saw her. But now, the rest of the party might as well not have existed. All I wanted, needed, was her.

I slid my tongue across her lips before deepening the kiss, urging her to open her mouth for me. She parted her lips as she clutched frantically at my shirt. I delved in, questing and claiming, swallowing the small moan that escaped her.

She tasted of sweet berries ripened in the heat of the summer sun; sweet, delicious, easily turned into a mind-melting wine. Every sip of her was my undoing.

Her body molded to mine as if her soft curves were made only for me. She relaxed, completely relinquishing control, and her submission made me come alive. Her warm thighs were on either side of mine, and her nipples tightened into little buds that poked at her smooth satin bodice.

I tightened my grip on her ass and rubbed my thigh against her, bumping her clit, reveling in her gasp into my mouth and the roll of her hips against me. Her nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons in my shirt, and soon I felt her touch on my bare chest.

As much as I wanted to continue exploring her right here, in amongst the museum’s treasures, my keen hearing picked up the sound of approaching footsteps, probably a guard. I pulled away and put my finger to my lips. She understood and stayed quiet as we moved to another section of the museum.

The shoes she’d changed into barely made a sound on the marble floor, and I’d slipped leather covers over my hooves for the event so I was silent as well. Her heart, however, pounded in her chest loudly. I could feel it between us: the flush of desire mixed with the adrenaline rush of possibly being caught, even though the most the guard would probably do was tell us to head back to the party—as long as we were both covered in the right places, of course.

Pulling her into an alcove, I continued our kiss, lifting her up off her feet and wrapping her legs around my hips. The indecently high slit on her dress made it easy to shove it up in front but still leave it hanging down the back, keeping us covered. She wound her arms around the back of my neck, the fingers of one hand tangling in my hair.

My cock tented my sorry excuse for a loincloth and she shifted her hips, rubbing her sweet little cunt on the hard bulge. Her underwear was made of pink satin that matched her gown, and the smooth fabric rubbed against me with little purchase. Wanting more friction, I pressed her against the wall of the dark nook and mimicked fucking her.

The scent of her arousal filled the alcove, flooding my brain with lusty, carnal thoughts. I needed her, now. I ground against her and swallowed the moans coming from her mouth.

The sound of boots on the marble floor was getting louder again. The last thing I wanted was a public indecency charge to end our night. I needed to get her home and into my bed. Immediately.

I ended our kiss reluctantly, smoothing down her skirt and arranging my jacket to cover the bulge that announced my lust. She blinked several times before she turned her head, having heard the footsteps as well. We pointedly focused our attention on the nearest display case.

Mateo, the manticore guard from earlier, appeared from around the corner. He relaxed when he saw that it was just us. “You two again.”

“I needed to get away from all the noise after what happened,” I lied.

He wrinkled his nose. He could probably smell our lust, it was hanging so thick in the air. But all he said was, “Understood. You’re welcome to get some air on the balcony, but unfortunately this part of the museum is cordoned off for the night.”

Iris leaned on me like she was drunk from our physical contact as we walked back to the party. I felt the same.The appeal of the ball had faded, and at this point I’d much rather spend the rest of the evening with her. Alone.
