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I did a gimme gesture with my hands.

Sebastian pulled an outrageously bright red wig out of a bag that he’d stashed in the backseat.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes. “Tell me you didn’t buy me a fire engine red wig that looks like it cost five dollars.”

“It cost ten.”

“And do you think looking like Ronald McDonald is going to help me maintain a low profile?” I winked an eye open, waiting for his response.

Doubt crossed his face. “You won’t look like you. That’s what we’re going for.”

“I’m getting itchy just looking at it. Besides, there is nothing subtle about that. I’ll draw all the attention and then people will give me a second or third glance. I’d be better off wearing a baseball cap and my regular sunglasses.” I had put on some casual athleisure wear. It wasn’t my go-to for going out which made it the perfect disguise.

A broad smile took over Sebastian’s face, taking me by surprise. I could get lost in the look. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he reached back into the black bag. This time he pulled out a really nice—and probably very expensive—brown wig. The hair would give me the classic Rachel from Friends bob.

“Oh my god, that’s perfect,” I said, grabbing it from him and placing it on my head. I lowered the visor so I could get a good look in the mirror. Luckily my hair was already in a bun, making it easy. It took a few adjustments, but then I got it to sit just right.

“Umm, I look incredible.” Not to toot my own horn, but damn, I looked great as a brunette.

Who knew? I’d always been grateful for having my natural blonde locks but maybe there was something to being a brunette bombshell.

I felt Sebastian’s intense gaze on me. I swiveled in my seat the best I could and patted my hair. “What do you think?”

He swallowed hard. “It’s fine.”

“You really know how to flatter a lady, Sebastian.”

He opened his car door. “Let’s get you some coffee.”

* * *

“This town is adorable. And everyone knows you. It’s sort of alarming but also endearing. Does that make sense?” I was babbling, but only because Sebastian had been quiet since I put on the wig. Did he have a thing for brunettes? Was he mad at me? It was impossible to tell.

We approached a building that looked like a smaller version of his farmhouse. “Coffee is this way,” he said, holding open the door for me.

The smell of roasted beans hit my nostrils, and I basically salivated. I loved a good blend. “Do they sell beans? If so, we should buy some to take home.”

Sebastian froze beside me. “Home?”

I felt a blush creeping into my cheeks. Had I said home? “Your home. Clearly, I need coffee.” I brushed off the embarrassment of my flub. "My mouth works better when I have coffee in my body."

"Is that right?" Sebastian asked, his gaze dipping to my mouth clearly amused. Foot meet mouth because seriously, I vowed to keep quiet until I had at least one cup of coffee pulsing through my veins.

We entered the shop and luckily Sebastian did the ordering. A couple of black coffees and an assortment of warm, savory breakfast sandwiches and pastries.

I salivated.

My appetite had been through the roof since our run yesterday. My body wasn’t nearly as stiff as I thought it would be, although getting out of the car was more painful than I had predicted.

I grabbed us a table in the corner while Sebastian waited for our food. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and found that I still liked the wig. Maybe I would make the brunette permanent. Or perhaps I'd just experiment more with wigs.

Large windows lined the coffee shop, allowing for great views of the town and trees beyond. I specialized in landscapes and cityscapes. It would be hard to paint the city from here unless I used some of the photos I'd taken as inspiration. It wasn't the best method for me, but I had worked before, and I did have a whole photos folder dedicated to incredible city views I'd stumbled on.

Maybe I'd try that when I got back to Sebastian's place. Suddenly, I wanted to leave right now. To see if the inspiration worked.

Sebastian sat down just as I stood up.

"Do you need something?"
