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Finally Beck stopped his pacing and took a seat across from me. I settled back into my chair as well.

Fuck, maybe it would be easier to talk about it. I certainly wasn’t going to talk about it with Dominic or my mom. Beck was the only person—other than Luna—that I could go to. “Is it that obvious?”

He gave me an odd look. “Only because I know you so well and I know you don’t usually let people into your sanctuary. Hell, this is my first time here and I’m only here because of her.”

“It’s not her fault she attracts attention.”

He held his hands up in capitulation. “I’m not saying it is, my friend. Just pointing out the obvious. You have feelings for each other. In all the time I’ve known you, I haven’t seen you with anyone. Not seriously, anyway. Sure, you may have slinked off with a woman after a night at the club, but nothing more than that.”

This was getting tiresome. “Are you done?”

“Why are you so cagey about it? Sure, you’re sleeping with your best friend’s sister, which is a major no no by the way, but Dominic knows you and likes you. That must count for something.”

I blanched at the assessment. Like I needed someone else to validate me being good for Faith. Like I couldn’t stand it on my own. My friend probably didn’t even mean it that way, but fuck, what if he did?

I drove a hand through my hair, eager to change the subject. “Shouldn’t you be going? It’s inching toward dinner time, and I know you like to spend that with Alice.”

Beck checked his watch. “Shit. I do have to run. It’s spaghetti night, and I promised Alice we could make garlic bread. That girl is a sucker for garlic bread.”

“Aren’t we all?”



When I left Sebastian’s office, I intended to work on my latest creation then took a detour to Constance’s house, noticing Sergio nearby, watching me as I made the short trek to her cottage.

“Who’s that?” Constance asked, brows raised.

“My new shadow.”

She drew the shades open, staring blatantly at my new bodyguard who had a bemused expression on his face. “Huh. Think he wants some tea?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure he’s fine.” I slumped down onto her couch and made myself comfortable. On the coffee table in front of me sat an unfinished thousand-piece puzzle. It looked like an iceberg. “Is that your latest project?”

Constance busied herself in the kitchen. She glanced over. "Yep. I forgot how much I hate puzzles."

I searched the pieces, seeing if I could connect any. They were all different shades of blue and white. The subtle shade differences made it extremely difficult.

Then I gave up, remembering I hated puzzles too. My dad loved them and would always have one on a small table in his office. It helped him think, he would tell me.

Constance hummed. "Seems you're the same. Want a muffin?"

My stomach growled. "Yes, please."

I dismissed the puzzle on the table and bit into the cranberry muffin. It was so delicious, I focused only on eating.

"It's good, then? It's a new recipe."

I lifted a hand to cover my mouth. "Sooo good."

This pleased her but her smile faltered as she rubbed her hands. It must be a tough day. The cold exacerbated the arthritis from what I could tell.

"Are you going to tell me why you have a handsome shadow following you around or should I start guessing?"

I rolled my eyes. “Your son decided I needed a little extra protection.” Protection that’s supposed to be invisible, but I can still see Sergio through the gauzy window treatments.

“He can be a little overkill sometimes.”
