Page 22 of The Heroes We Break

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“Stop! I mean it!” she says loud enough that I hear it over the music. It’s all I need to hear.

I back up a step and slam my shoulder into the door. It takes two tries, but the wood splinters, taking part of the door frame with it when it opens.

Ethan doesn’t hear me. I’m not sure if it’s because the music is too loud or if he’s too fucking distracted with his dick in his hand. He’s shirtless, jeans halfway down his ass, a sight I don’t need to see. He’s looming over an equally shirtless Ophelia, who has both hands flat on his chest. A package of condoms sits on the bedside table and when I see it, and see Ophelia’s face, something goes off inside me.

My hands fist and blood rushes my veins, pounding so loud against my ears I don’t hear anything but that rush as I grab Ethan and haul him off her, hurling him against the wall. He crashes against it witha grunt, and when he drops to the floor, I see the dent where his stupid head hit.

I glance down at Ophelia who is clutching her shirt in her hands, eyes wide with shock, but it’s Ethan I stalk toward. As he gets to his feet, he tucks his dick back into his jeans. I get to him in three easy strides, and before he can think, I draw my arm back and smash my fist into his jaw.

Ophelia screams. Ethan is dazed. But all I can see is Ethan with his dick in his fucking hand looming over a very young and utterly inexperienced girl.

“Fuck. Man. What the fuck?”

I swear there are tears in his eyes. I grip him by the throat and slam him against the wall.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I demand.

“Jesus. What the fuck is wrong withyou? She’s fucking sixteen!” He touches his lip and his fingers come away bloody.

“Too young, you fucking idiot.”

“Sixteen is legal age to consent. Get the fuck off me!”

I almost hit him again but for Ophelia. “Stop. Oh my God, stop!”

I turn to her, trying to get my rage under control. She’s off the bed, holding her shirt over her bare chest.

“Did he hurt you?” I ask through gritted teeth.

She shakes her head.

“Did he touch you?”

She just stares at me.

“Phee. Tell him. I asked you and you said yes. Tell him.”

“We were just kissing. That’s all,” she says.

“Just kissing?” I glance down at Ethan’s still undone jeans. “What exactly was she kissing?”

“Like I said, she’s sixteen. It’s none of your business what I do with my girl.”

My girl.His words draw a low growl from inside my chest.

“Get the fuck off me or I’ll call the cops,” he says.

“You don’t touch her. Ever. Do you hear me?”

Ethan looks me over, sneers. He’s a cocky little idiot because he must know I can end him. “Why? You want her for yourself? She old enough for you now, is that it? I see you, perv.”

I draw my arm back to punch him, but Ophelia hurls herself at me, catching my arm and yelling for me to stop. I do because I don’t want to scare her any more than she must be. I release him, turn to find her tugging her shirt on.

“Get your things. I’m taking you home,” I say to Ophelia.

Ethan’s words,my girl,areon fucking repeat. I shake my head. She will not be one of Ethan Fox’s string of girls.

“I can take care of myself,” Ophelia says, surprising me. She turns her attention to Ethan. She steps right up to him, more assured than I’ve ever seen her. Iwatch, open-mouthed, when she raises her arm and slaps him hard.
