Page 23 of Marco

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Chapter Nine

Marco reveals another gift the next morning. "Luggage?" I ask, marveling at the navy blue, glossy hard shelled case. "For me?"

"You need something to carry your things," he says, nodding at all the clothes he bought me. “For when you join me on the cruise.”

I shake my head and give him a tight hug. "Thanks again. For everything."

"It's nothing."

I disagree, but I'd promised to stop fighting his generosity. And to that end I have also decided that I will join Marco on the cruise.

Last night I kept thinking about my father and that model plane. The reason I became a flight attendant wasn’t to serve entitled people drinks. I wanted a rich and thrilling life. I wanted to travel and explore the world and meet new and amazing people.

I’ve already met an amazing person in Marco. Someone kind and strong, who tells me what he wants and treats me like a prize, something to covet. I shouldn’t let that go so easily. I also shouldn’t turn down the chance to try out cruising in style.

So I agreed to go with Marco on his ship and this morning as I pack my new luggage I can’t help smiling at Marco, as he watches me with an amused grin.

“What’s this?” I ask, pulling a small box from the bottom of the closet. I hadn’t noticed it among all the new clothes until now.

“Another surprise,” Marco says, leaning forward.

Inside the box is a set of lacy lingerie in pastel turquoise.

“For later,” Marco purrs.

My face is on fire. Trying to ignore the burning heat in my face and, well, everywhere else, I continue packing, very aware of Marco’s eyes on me as I bed over to place the last few items in the suitcase.

When we finish packing we head to the lobby. Marco is signing check-out paperwork when Derek clears his throat behind me. I glare at the sight of him in his ironed tan pants and tight black button-down. "Ready for an adventure at sea?" he asks me.

I plaster on a fake smile. "Absolutely."

Derek's eyes roam over me, making me feel uncomfortable. "Nice luggage," he says with a smirk. "Did Marco buy it for you?"

I grit my teeth, ready to snap back when Marco intervenes. "Yes, I did," he says calmly. "I thought Filia needed something sturdy to carry her things in."

Derek rolls his eyes. "Right."

I'm about to say something when Marco's phone rings. He steps away to answer it, leaving me alone with Derek. His eyes follow Marco until he’s out of earshot and then he leans in close.

"Listen," he says in a low voice. "I don't want to see you leading my brother on. He's too good for you."

"Excuse me?" I say, anger rising in me.

"You heard me. You're just a fling to him. Don't get your hopes up."

I open my mouth to retort when Marco returns. "What's going on?" he asks, seeing the tension between us.

"Nothing," I say quickly, shooting Derek a dirty look. "Just excited for the cruise."

Marco gives Derek a hard stare before turning back to me. "Let's go."

"Yeah, don't wanna miss the car Heratio arranged for you," Derek snorts.

"I never asked for that," Marco snaps.

"Of course not. You never make choices that would benefit you in the long run."

I grip Marco's elbow and pull at him. I can't move his massive body but he eventually relents, letting me guide him out into the fresh air. I can't help but feel uneasy. Derek's words echo in my head, taunting me. Am I just a fling to Marco? Does he really care about me, or am I just a temporary distraction from his privileged life?
