Page 40 of Marco

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He's most likely reached the other side of the ship when a sound reaches me. It's faint, I think it's the waves below. Maybe one of the seabirds floating above. The ship is near a port, probably planning to dock there later so guests can go ashore and enjoy some sight-seeing in Italy.

The noise comes again. The hairs on my neck stand up. With a frownI spin toward the railing, gripping it as I crane my body over for a look at the water. It takes me a moment to make out the dark shape of someone floating on their back, pale face gleaming in the black, rocky waves.

"Help!" Nathan coughs.

"Oh my god!" I shout, gripping the rail tight. "Nathan! Hang on!"

He's struggling against the current that wants to drag him under the ship. I look frantically in all directions, searching for help. Marco is gone. The strangers around me are gawking and pointing. Useless.

I've never liked deep water. When my dad took me to the beach as a kid, I'd sit in the sand and watch the people surfing. Content to be dry. Safe.

Without thinking twice, I leap into action and jump over the side.

The shock of hitting cold water takes my breath away; my body sinks beneath the surface. For a moment I flounder, unable to tell up from down.

But my panic is smothered by my need to save Nathan. Even if I'm terrified,he'sthe one drowning. Determined to get us both out alive, I break above the water, sucking in air and salty spray.

"Help me!" Nathan moans.

Rowing my arms, I hurry towards him. He's bobbing around like a buoy. Snatching him around the chest, I kick my feet, moving backwards as I struggle to keep us both afloat. With my help Nathan is able to avoid being sucked under the boat and I manage to keep his airways clear of water. It takes all my effort but we manage to stay above the surface.

But it’s all I can do to stop Nathan from drowning, stop both of us being pulled under. And it’s exhausting. My arms are burning, my legs aching, and still no sign of help. How will I get him back on board the ship? How will I save him and myself from a watery ending? I should have thought about this before I dove overboard. But there wasn’t time to think.

Just as I'm about to give up, a small boat with a life guard pushes away from the cruise ship. The man tosses us a red float; I grip it, letting him pull us aboard. Gasping for air, I kneel as the man checks on Nathan. He's coughing violently, white as a fish belly, but he seems okay.

"Filia!" Marco shouts. I look up to see him leaning over the railing. He hurries down to the lower level, where he's in arm's reach. "Filia! Holy shit, Nathan, what happened?"

"He's okay," I assure Marco.

Nathan sits up, hacking out water, violently shaking his head. "Trey! He's still out there!"

My stomach plummets to my feet. "What?" I turn, staring at the waves, trying to spot him.

Nathan looks shaken as he explains what happened. "A current pulled him under when we were trying to check out a reef. I went after him, got all turned around, couldn't find my way back. We have to find him! Before... before..."

"I understand," Marco snaps. He strips off his shirt, then his pants, standing there in just his black boxers.

The life guard balks. "Sir, let me handle this."

"You need to get my brother to the ship doctor." He cracks his neck, then rolls his shoulders. "I'm the best swimmer in my family. I'll find Trey and bring him back."

"Marco!" I cry.

He doesn't look at me; he dives straight into the waves.

I rush to the edge of the boat, staring in horror. "What is he thinking?" I blurt.

"The same thing you were," Nathan coughs. I glance at him. His shaking body is wrapped in a thick towel. "Marco would risk his life to save any of us. I expect it out of him. But you... We're strangers to you, why put yourself in danger?"

People have crowded the railing to gawk at us. There's mumbling, shoving––the ship's doctor is here. He's an older man with a salt and pepper beard and a shaved head. Nathan sees him, but he looks back at me. I'm what interests him. "Well?" he asks. "Why?"

"Because no one with a heart just watches someone die," I say.

His eyes widen.

The doctor gets between us, blocking my view and ending the moment. "Hey! Look!" someone on the deck shouts. More cries of surprise erupt from the onlookers; I squint in disbelief at the waves.

He moves with power––legs kicking, one arm slicing the water. Foam sprays into his mouth and nose and eyes, but Marco doesn't care. He swims for the boat. He's carrying Trey at his side.
