Page 42 of Marco

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He breathes out against my tangled hair. Together we watch the boat dock, then the stretcher with Trey is hastily carried to the ambulance. There's a sad air over the entire cruise. It permeates off every guest on the deck. Normally they'd be enjoying a salsa lesson or a huge buffet of five-star food. No one feels like indulging. Not now.

Nathan and Heratio exit the boat to follow the ambulance to the hospital. "Do you want to go with them?" I ask Marco.

He tenses, then nods,letting go of me to walk hurriedly for the dock. "Stay here."

"But what about the ship? What if it leaves?"

"It won't. The cruise is over." His face darkens. "All that was left to do was that damn meeting." As he's almost out of earshot, I hear him add, "At this might not happen at all."

What happens if there's no final meeting?I wonder. I watch until the ambulance pulls away. Until I see nothing and hear nothing that hints at the tragedy that occurred minutes ago.

I feel eyes on me.

Casting a nervous look around, I search for the culprit. I find him above me, leaning on the highest level, his fingers crushing the shining metal rail. Derek is hunched like a gargoyle. His face is all deep grooves created from anger.

His furious glare is aimed directly at me.

It takes all I have not to shy away. I hold his glare with my own. Derek's scowl spreads wider. Then his mouth moves. I can't hear him over the waves or wind, but I can read his lips:I won.

Chapter Fifteen

There's almost no one left on the ship. The guests and most of the staff disembarked an hour ago, just before the sun began to set. The lack of people makes the place feel abandoned. I'm glad there are plenty of lights on this luxury ship or I'd feel uneasy being by myself.

Where are they?

Marco and the others haven't returned still. I tried to call him, before realizing that my phone is ruined from the swim I took. Marco's is probably toast, too. Or maybe he has some super fancy expensive high-end brand that can survive being dunked in the ocean. Regardless, I have no idea what's going on with Trey.

Is he okay?

Or is he...

Shaking my head to clear the awful train of thought, I return to pacing the deck. I've changed into dry clothes–one of the gorgeous dresses Marco bought me in Rome. It was supposed to make me feel better. I had hoped wearing one of his gifts would remind me of him and the time we spent in Rome, getting to know one another. I’d hope the fabric brushing against my skin would remind me of his fingers, his touch. Instead, I just miss his presence even more.

I close my eyes and run my hand over the smooth fabric. My imagination runs wild; I see Marco and his brothers huddled over Trey in the hospital. I picture a doctor shaking his head sadly as he delivers the worst news.

"What are you doing?"

I jump, whipping around. Derek is standing behind me, wearing a black suit that's ironed to make the edges assharp as a knife. "I'm waiting for Marco to come back."


I blink. "Why?" I repeat.

Derek sighs in exasperation. "Are you acting stupid on purpose, or is this just how you are?"

"You're such an asshole. Leave me alone."

"This is my boat."

"Only if you win the vote," I seethe.

Derek draws himself up, like a cobra about to strike. "Okay. Youarestupid, then. You can't possibly think Marco has a shot. It's over. The second my brothers return, we'll vote and get this piece of history over with." He motions in the air like he's signing a document.

My confidence wavers and I feel like shrinking away. Derek notices it. His mouth turns into an arrogant smirk as he pulls out his phone."Look at that, Heratio is calling," he says smugly.

I perk up. "Answer, it must be news about Trey."

Derek bristles, clutching his phone like he wants to snap it. "Stop playing games, it's over."
