Page 5 of Marco

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Fuck.I grab my phone out and scroll through my contacts. If Drew went out of his way to slander me to our boss and actually get mefired,I have to fix it now. "I can't believe you," I say, my voice shaking with anger. "You're a terrible person, Drew. A terrible person."

He laughs. "You're the one who assaulted a customer."

I freeze up. "Excuse me?"

"You went off on poor Mr. Blake when he just wanted another drink. You threw his cup at him, spilled wine on him, even had your huge bully of a friend threaten him."

My mind is reeling. In my hand, my thumb presses on the number for my boss. "Drew, you're lying. That's all lies."

The line rings twice––it clicks. "Don Mathews, who's calling?"

"Mr. Mathews!" I gasp. "It's me, Filia Renovere! I'm at the airport in Rome and my ID won't work on the lounge. Has it been deactivated?"

He sighs in exasperation. "Yes, Ms. Renovere. When an employee of the airline is let go, we must hastily end all access for security reasons."

"But...but why am I fired?" I clutch my phone until my fingers throb. Drew watches gleefully. "Whatever Drew told you is a lie! He just wants me gone because he doesn't like me!"

"Do you hear yourself? You sound like a child. Now, please, I have to arrange a new crew member to fill in for this...recent opening."

"I... But how do I get home?" My head spins. "I was supposed to go back to California on this next flight."

"You'll have to figure that out on your own. Goodbye, Ms. Renovere."

The line goes dead.

I turn around to face Drew, who's still standing there, smirking down at me. "Looks like you're going to have to find another way to get back to the States."

The weight of his words crashes down on me. I can't believe this is happening. I've never been fired from a job before.

I'll just buy a ticket like everyone else does.Googling on my phone makes my stomach cramp. Every flight out for the next three days costs more than I have on hand. I've been living paycheck to paycheck. I'm stranded in a foreign country.

Drew yawns, scans his ID––the door beeps green. "I'd say good luck, but that would be fake. I'm not the kind of guy who says fake things. Bye bye, Filia." The door shuts, and I watch him stroll to the table of snacks and grab a banana.

Unable to handle watching him, I spin, fists pumping as I storm through the airport. I don't have a plan but I have to get away.

I could call my dad... he'd buy me a ticket back without a thought. Exactly the reasonI don’t want to. My dad is incredibly kind. He's done so much for me. He also has high hopes and if I beg him in tears to save me, I'll feel like a failure. A real piece of shit.

I scan my contacts again. God, I need more friends. Can I call Sally? My mood lightens. Sally hates Drew. And she's still in the airport, I'm sure she is. I don't know if she can do much but maybe she'll have an idea. I dial; she picks up after a few rings.

"Hey, what's up?" Her voice is cheerful and carefree.

"I've been fired," I blurt out, tears streaming down my face.

"What? Oh my god, Filia. What happened?"

"It's Drew," I explain, my voice shaking. "He told our boss that I assaulted a customer and now my ID won't work. I can't even get into the lounge to rest."

"That guy is such a dick. Where are you right now?"

"Near Gate 24C," I say, sniffling.

"Stay right there. I'll be over soon."

I rub my eyes, beginning to perk up. I'm still crying but also smiling, I must look crazy.

"Thank you, Sally!"

"Don't mention it!"
