Page 65 of Marco

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Marco smiles, his eyes glittering. "My dream has already come true."

"You mean becoming sole CEO?"

His laugh is so loud it startles me. "God, no! I mean, yes, I wanted the job. But who dreams of being a boss?"

"Your brother," I note.

Marco rolls his eyes. "I'm not confined to that sort of shit. No, what I always wanted...was a family."

"I didn't know that."

"Mine was messed up by the mistakes of others," he continues. His fingers coil around a strand of my hair lovingly. "I can't change the past. But I can change the future. Help me do that, and you'll have given me my truest, biggest dream, Filia."

I barely hear myself whisper, "Okay."

He kisses me hard, sending us tumbling onto my couch. The kiss deepens, Marco's hands exploring every inch of me as if they were mapping my body for the first time. He slides his hand under my shirt and I gasp at the sudden contact. His fingers linger on my lower back before they brush against my stomach, sending shivers down my spine. With a sense of urgency, he slides off both our clothing and I find myself captivated by his movement. His touch feels like velvet on my skin, searing in its intensity yet soft in its caress.

I meet him halfway as our mouths collide into one another again and again. Our bodies move together like puzzle pieces, creating a complete picture that neither of us could put into words but that we both feel nonetheless. We explore each other in harmony; what I give with one hand is instantly returned with the other. His lips travel down my neck before slowly making their way southwards and I arch towards him involuntarily as pleasure cascades.

As Marco continues to explore my body, I feel myself letting go of every inhibition and worry. All that matters is this moment, this feeling of being completely consumed by him. His touch is gentle yet insistent, his mouth hot against my skin. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands slip between my fingers.

Our movements become more frantic as the desire between us intensifies. Marco's hands are everywhere, teasing and tantalizing me, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. I moan his name, my body trembling with a pleasure that only he can give.

In this moment, I know that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be. With Marco, I have found a love that surpasses any job or dream. It's a love that fills every inch of me, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

As we come together in a rush of emotion, I know that this is only the beginning. With Marco by my side, I can conquer anything.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

"Text me when you land," I say, clinging to Marco. We're standing together outside the front of my apartment. It's time for him to go see his mother in Colorado.

"It's a short flight," he reminds me.

"Doesn't matter. Text."

"Yes, of course."

He gives me one last lingering kiss before turning away. I stand and watch as he walks towards his car, feeling a pang of sadness in my chest. We've only been together for two months, but it feels like Marco has been a part of my life forever.

Marco unlocks the car door and turns to give me a final wave as he slides into the driver's seat. I return the gesture, watching as his car pulls away from the curb and heads down the road towards the airport. The sun is just beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. For all its beauty, though, I'm not sure if anything can compare to how I feel when Marco looks at me with those eyes full of love and passion.

I stay there until his car disappears out of sight, then turn back inside my apartment with heavy footsteps. As much as I want him to be here with me, I know that his mother needs him.

Will he tell her about me?The thought catches me off guard. This relationship is moving fast. Marco doesn't have to tell his mom yet, but, if her health is as bad as he implied, then it might be the only chance to do so.

No, don't be so grim. She's not dying tonight.

I kill time by taking one of my much adored epsom baths. Tonight's music is some heavy metal. No one would guess I love the intense, screaming genre of music, but I do. Afterwards, in just my robe with my hair wrapped in a cloth, I head-bang in my living room. It releases what's left of my body's tense knots.

Lying in my bed, I order myself some Uber Eats-- the In and Out by my place is, in fact, the best one. Waiting for my food I scroll through social media with no real goal. It's absent-minded behavior to pass the time. I need to do something or I'll go insane waiting to hear from Marco.

He should land in the next fifteen minutes or so.

I scroll on and on. Nothing keeps my attention. Beauty news, band announcements, weather stuff... I keep going just to do something.

Something catches my eye; I scroll backward. Sitting up, I hunch over my phone in interest. It's an article about the Corvello Cruise Company.

New CEO Marco Corvello takes control. Will he keep the company afloat or let it sink?
