Page 7 of Marco

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"Drew, a guy I work with––worked with," I correct myself miserably. "He's always had a grudge against me. Guess he finally saw a chance to knock me down a peg or five. He went out of his way to call our boss and tell all these lies about me."

"What kind of lies?"

"I don't know what he said word for word, but apparently Iassaulted a customer."I lower my voice in a mock imitation of Drew. As I do it, I become conscious of how immature I'm being. I'm extra sensitive to it since my boss called me a child.

Marco doesn't glance at me when I shoot him a furtive look. I'm wondering how oldheis. He looks late twenties, but he's so damn handsome he could be in his forties for all I know.

He turns us down a long, curved road. Traffic blocks us in; horns honk. Marco is calm, guess this is normal in Rome. "This guy, Drew, what would push him so far as to have you fired?"

"He's always had issues with me ever since I asked him to quit making creepy comments."


"Like telling me how to dress, complimenting my legs, suggesting I do certain lip colors." I frown deeply. "Sally thought he had a crush on me. I got uneasy, so I went to him and told him to treat me properly or I'd have to go to HR."


I tense at his knowing tone. "Oh, you think that was enough for him to hate me, huh?"

Shrugging, Marco twists the wheel. It looks small in his big hands. I scan them, noting there's no wedding ring of any kind. But then, he could be the type to take it off when he travels. I've seen it in enough movies; guys who cheat don’t only exist in fiction.

His eyes meet mine and hold them for a moment before returning to the road. "What I think doesn't matter. What happened was wrong. I was there, you didn't hurt that passenger. In fact, the other flight attendant spilled the wine on him."

His voice is kind, yet understanding. He sounds like someone who truly cares—a complete stranger offering comfort and solace without judgment.

Tears prick at my eyes as a wave of emotion suddenly washes over me. All the stress and anxiety of the situation drain away as Marco's soothing words fill my ears. "Thank you," I whisper, reaching out to touch his forearm lightly in gratitude.

He tenses as I touch him. His deltoids flex in his tight shirt, each muscle so defined I could trace them through the fabric. If I wanted to, I mean.

His attention returns to the road ahead of us. "The issue now is what to do with you. I'm going to make a bold assumption, Filia. You don't have enough money for a flight or a hotel, otherwise you wouldn't have called a stranger like me for help."

I nod sheepishly, embarrassed that he has to spell it out for me. "Yeah, you're right. I don't have much money saved up. I was living paycheck to paycheck before I got fired."

Marco nods, his expression thoughtful. "Well, I may have a solution for you. I'm in Rome on business."

"You mentioned that on the flight."

"I have a few important meetings to attend over the next few weeks. Because of this, and needing to be central to things, I booked a room at the Devonere Hotel. I can book you a room as well, until you figure out your next steps."

My heart almost explodes with joy at the offer. It's generous and unexpected, but also a little nerve-wracking. I don't know this man very well. "Are you sure?" I ask, hesitating.

He glances over at me, his eyes warm and reassuring. "Absolutely. I know how hard it can be to be stranded in a foreign country with no support. Consider it my way of helping out a fellow traveler."

I wonder what he means by that. Has he been stranded before? It's hard to imagine a self-assured, clearly well-off business man like Marco struggling like me.

"Thank you so, so much! I won't be in your way or anything. I'll sleep in the room you get me, stay out of trouble, and wait it out until I can get enough money for a flight. I'm sure the prices will go down. I can't figure out why they're so high right now!"

He smiles indulgently. God, he's even more gorgeous when he smiles. I'm smiling, too, especially when I notice the stunning stone statues that surround us as we drive into Rome's city center. I've read about this place but seeing it in person is giving me goosebumps.

Marco slows down to park outside an old, historical looking building. People pack the sidewalks with gelato in their hands, all of them laughing joyously in the early morning sun.

“Do you know how Rome came to be?” Marco asks while I stare up at the arched windows and curving walls. “A pair of twin brothers were stranded here, their names were Romulus and Remus.”

“Why were they stranded?”

“An evil king saw them as a threat to his power.” Marco glances at me and I have a feeling I know where he’s going with this. “This evil king was threatened and jealous and so he cast them out. Left them here without anything.”

Sounds all too familiar.
