Page 16 of Forever Flaunting

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Those boyish good looks had a slight edge to them. His hair had always been out of control with a big cowlick in the front that just worked for him. It looked like a sweeping tidal wave of dark brown that stood. There was a thing growth on his chin and jaw echoing a neatly trimmed beard which surprised her. She didn’t have a thing for facial hair— but again – it looked good on him.

It was like that popular boy that was once there had grown into a very, very handsome, confident man despite his words. Instead of commenting on his claim, he bowed slightly and held out his arm to her like she was some fairytale princess.

“Shall we?”

“You know,” she began, realizing that she was the nervous one about this date. “We can just grab a burger and reminisce…”

He stopped and looked at her in confusion.

“A burger?” he repeated and put his hand on top of hers where it rested on her arm, almost like he was hanging on and afraid she’d pull away. “If something is important to you, you treat it as such. Burgers are for casual dates, late-night rendezvous, or when you are ‘Hangry’ and really need food immediately.”

“I’m hungry,” she admitted and shrugged.

“And we are going on a date,” he stressed. “I want to wine and dine my girl…”

“I’m not your girl, and one date does not change things.”

“Do you feel like you need to argue with me?”

“We’re not arguing because I’m right.”

“This is our first date, Elana,” he stressed, stopping and looking at her again in the parking lot, almost in shocked disbelief that they were actually discussing this. “This is how we set the tone for our entire relationship, a story we’ll tell our kids and grandkids, and dang it – we’re going to have a glass of wine, a fat steak, and I want to feed you something creamy so I can indulge in some sick and twisted fantasies later tonight… okay?”

The way he blurted out that whole statement, the intensity of his eyes, combined with his words, really did a number on her. She was completely bowled over and shocked by his words. No one ever was tripping over themselves, acting like she was hot – except him.

“I’m a guy… and guys do things like that,” he confessed, looking worried. “I probably shouldn’t have said any of…”

“Max,” she interrupted, looking at him with concern. “Are you teasing me about all of this because it’s really not funny… and is there something on my face?” she asked nervously, immediately pulling away and digging for a mirror – only to have him grab her hand and put it back on his arm.

“I’m not teasing,” he began hoarsely, staring at her. “I keep staring at your face so you don’t think I’m horrible when I really want to stare at your blouse.”

She blinked at him.

“Have I mentioned I think you are incredibly hot – and I’m so nervous you are going to change your mind and tell me to get lost…”

She closed her purse and laid her free hand on top of his where it rested on his arm, holding her other one. Looking up at him, meeting his eyes, she gave him a nervous smile and nodded.

“Dinner,” she murmured.

“Dinner,” he repeated and then chuckled nervously. “Can I kiss you at the end of the date?”

“I don’t kiss on the first date, and we’ve barely made it out the door.”

“But I’m special,” he countered, flirting with her.

“Oh, you’re ‘special’ all right,” she chuckled as he opened the passenger door of the vehicle for her and paused for a moment, not closing it as he smiled at her. She had just climbed inside and set her purse on her lap when she saw him standing there. “What?”

“You know,” he began, disbelief written all over his face. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I don’t even care honestly if you don’t kiss me. I mean, just look at you…” he waved his hand and she swallowed nervously, unsure what to expect.

“I’ve got a freakin’ supermodel in my brother’s truck… and she’s going to dinner with me? Heck, if I keeled over right now – I’d die a happy man. So thank you, Elana, because this is the stuff of dreams.”

“What is?”

“Having a beautiful woman spending time with me, those incredible legs, that gorgeous smile, and those sexy eyes… yeah, this is all going in the ‘spank-bank’,” he rasped and shut the door as her mouth dropped open in shock.

She stared at him in disbelief as he rounded the front of the truck, staring at her, and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“You did not just say that… did you?” she blurted out, stunned and fighting back a laugh.
