Page 17 of Forever Flaunting

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“Yeah, I did,” he chuckled, starting the truck and tossing an impish grin at her. “Have I mentioned that guys are sickos – and I’m the world champion?”

“Over-achiever… gee. Lucky me?” she laughed nervously. “What in the world have I agreed to?”

Twenty minutes later, wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks with a napkin from her purse. She couldn’t believe some of the stories Max was telling her from his job overseas. Once you got past the crass and brutally candid words that just tripped out of his mouth, he was really funny.

“Man, the dude had it coming, too,” Max said openly, shaking his head. “You think I wanted to show everyone my buns? Heck no! But Reilly was a supreme jerk, and all we were doing was suntanning. It was innocent and my day off. People get days off, you know…”

“Your… buns?” she began laughing again and saw him wink at her as he turned off the truck.

“Wait there, kitten…” he ordered – and got out of the vehicle, jogged around to her side, and opened the door for her. He held out his hand and she put hers in his, feeling like the top of the world.

“Yeah, my buns,” he chuckled softly, leaning toward her. “He came out and harassed me – so I showed him mine. Well, my…”

Elana barked out a loud laugh uncontrollably, interrupting him before he could say the foul word, pausing and leaning against the truck to catch her breath. She’d never laughed so much in her entire life, and it was so wonderful.

Max didn’t let up; he grinned and kept going with his tale.

“You should have seen it. Armadillo, Paradox, Sparky, me and a few other guys had taken towels to the runway to sun ourselves and relax. I was all sexy, flexing my muscles, and about to lie down on my towel when Reilly came up barking a bunch of orders at me. I’m like, ‘Nah, bruh, I’m off work today’…”

“Oh, you did not,” she chuckled and saw his smile.

“I did,” he affirmed, not hesitating. “I’m not scared of that man. What’s he gonna do, bust me down a rank? Lock me up for thirty days? Sheesh. Don’t tempt me with a good time or do me any favors. Doing something like that only gets me out of duty…”

“Max!” she exclaimed, still chuckling. “You’ve got to stop; my sides are hurting from laughing so much.”

“I want you to always laugh with me,” he smiled. “You’ve got a beautiful laugh and… as I was saying – I was off of work, so he was in the wrong. Not me.”

He tugged her slightly toward him, and instead of holding out his arm to her, he wrapped one around her waist, holding her close to him as they walked up to the restaurant.

“What did he say that made you actually do it?”

“Told me I was disrespectful and to go run laps,” he began. “Me? Disrespectful? Ha! And run laps on my day off… not gonna happen.”

“What did you say?”

“I told him to go pound sand…” he began, “And then I pointed at the sand near the runway and told him to pick a spot. I think he really got mad then.” He looked somewhat affronted, but it was an act and she could see it. “I don’t dare repeat what Reilly said to me. My poor innocent ears were bleeding at the four-letter words he used, and I’ve never been called a twat before in my life.”

Elana threw back her head, laughing again.

“I was insulted in front of witnesses,” he chuckled. “And we’ve already discussed how powerful the Bro-Code is, so losing face in front of my team was not going to happen.”

“Max…” she chuckled.

“So,” he continued. “I wasn’t going to let the… person,” he paused, carefully choosing his words obviously, for which she was grateful. “I wasn’t going to let him ‘win,’ so I gave him a one-finger salute… turned around… and yanked down my pants in front of everyone and God.”

“Oh gosh…”

“That’s what Sparky said,” he interjected, grinning and winking at her before greeting the hostess and holding up his fingers. “Two for Carpenter.”

“Right this way, sir…” the woman began, and Max guided Elana before him.

“Mercy, that butt…” he whistled – and Elana looked over her shoulder in shock and horror because he wasn’t quiet about it in the slightest. You could hear the clatter of silverware, several nervous laughs, and all the conversations around them getting quiet.

“What did you just say?” she whispered in disbelief.

“That’s what Reilly told me,” Max shrugged. “I was finishing my story and used polite words because we are in public. He actually called me an...”

