Page 32 of Forever Flaunting

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“I’ll be just typing away for a bit, getting the finishing statements together.”

Max nodded and took a seat in one of the leather chairs, stretching out his legs before him as he clasped his hands over his chest, closing his eyes. It was nearly five minutes later before she heard his voice.

“Those pearls look darn good on you, girlfriend.”

Elana smiled.

Close to two hours later, Elana was finished and arched her back before looking at Max. He was slumped down and sound asleep, napping in what had to be the most uncomfortable position ever. She admittedly kept touching the pearl necklace, loving it desperately and feeling a little awkward about such an expensive gift.

Getting her keys out, she stood up and slid her pumps back on that she’d kicked off under her desk only to see Max crack a bleary eye.

“Tell me I’m dreaming,” he began hoarsely and closed his eyes again. She smiled and walked towards him.

“No, you aren’t dreaming. I’m closing the office and…”

Max pulled her across his lap and sighed happily, closing his eyes again as she struggled to get free.

“Shhh…” he began. “I can smell your perfume, and this is nice.”

“I’m going to crush your legs.”

“You don’t hear me screaming in pain, do you?”

She stopped wiggling and looked at him in amazement. He wasn’t frowning, grimacing, and didn’t look remotely bothered, but instead, looked almost blissful. As if prompted, he let out a decidedly happy sigh and snuggled a little closer, just seemingly content to be there.

And she lifted a hand, touching his hair and tracing an eyebrow as she stared at his sleepy face. He was so energetic, so hopeful, trying so hard to impress her that it all backfired in the most unusual ways – which made her wonder what he would try to do next.

“This is heaven,” he whispered, not moving. “If someone did this to me in the barracks, I’d have a different reaction, but this… pure heaven.”

She chuckled softly and took his words as an open invitation to trace his brow, his ear, his cheekbone, and jaw – hearing him sigh again. This simple ministration meant so much to him, and honestly, just having him so content in holding her, the fact that he reacted the way he did, meant the world to her.

“Isn’t this much nicer,” she whispered. “Just being ourselves?”


“Cheeseburger in paradise?” she teased, reminding him of dinner – only to see him crack open an eye and smile at her.

“You’re quick, and I like it.”

“You have to be in my line of work.”

“You have the brains, and I have the reflexes,” he smiled… and lifted her, twisting slightly, and pinned her in the chair right next to him. Her eyes widened in shock because she didn’t think these chairs would hold two adults – but obviously, they did.

Very closely.

“Hi,” he whispered, his eyes searching hers.

“Um, hi…” she replied nervously.

“I swear that shade of lipstick does something to me,” he breathed, his eyes dropping to her lips. “The perfume, your clothes, seeing the way you hold yourself, and now those pearls. All of it, the whole package, is driving me crazy.”

“We should move.”

“Closer,” he whispered. “We should move closer…”

Max leaned forward and dropped the softest kiss imaginable on her lips. Before she could argue, protest, or fight him – it was already over. His mouth was warm, his lips gentle, and the brush of them was like a caress straight to her heart. He was hovering, waiting, and her breath caught in her chest as he held himself away from her.

“One stolen kiss doesn’t mean there will be more,” she whispered against his lips, only to see and feel him smile somehow, even though her lids were halfway closed in awareness. She had assumed he would be grabby, possessive, and slobbering all over her, which was why she never kissed on the first date: severe prior disappointments in her past.
